Write a 18 pages paper on human resources management, the learning process and practice of training & development. But other organisations prefer the traditional one coupled with a new and modified system. In the manufacturing world, they call it ‘hybrid’. Although theorists seem to have faded, their ideas and theories which have long been formulated a long time ago remain significant and useful in the modern world. Training and development have to be applied in a systematic way. The organisation is viewed as a system, and training as a subsystem. We can find the usefulness of training as ingrained in the system through our different readings and in the literature. But I also want to add experiences and real-life situations from our organisation. We consider training and development as very significant for the success of our mission as an organisation and as individuals with careers to nurture, along with our respective families who expect from us and support us, as well. Knowledge of learning theory is indeed significant in workplace training in practice for we can use this as a basing ground for successes in training and development and the outcome of it.