Managers constantly face problems and opportunities, ranging from simple and routine decisions to problems requiring months of analysis. Sometimes managers ignore problems because many human resource management problems are so much more complex than routine tasks. For this reason, managers may lack the insight, courage, or will to act. Understanding your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats helps to ensure you will take appropriate action as a leader. A personal SWOT analysis will provide information regarding internal strengths and weaknesses (S – W) as well as external opportunities and threats (O – T). Personal strengths would be those assets that set you apart from others. Personal weaknesses should be viewed as areas where you have opportunity for growth. Threats are really those elements that would prevent you from reaching your goals. Opportunities help you to overcome both weaknesses and threats. Resources Watch the following TEDx video by Mary Schaefer (2014): Mind Tools editorial team. (1996-2016). Personal SWOT analysis. Making the most of your talents and opportunities. Retrieved from Shahanipour, S., Amindoust, A., Sahraian, K., & Beiranvand, S. (2019). Identification and prioritization of human resource strategies with employees’ creativity approach in administrative organizations using SWOT–ANP. Opsearch, 57(1), 119–143. Instructions Complete a SWOT Analysis of your own leadership and decision-making abilities when it comes to human resource management. Using your SWOT Analysis, write 2-3 page summary that addresses key elements of your analysis. Describe areas of leadership strength. Describe areas where leadership improvement is needed. Include examples from your managerial or work experience that highlight the characteristics of your decision-making and leadership style. Discuss ways you can improve deficiencies and/or public perceptions regarding your leadership and decision-making style. Discuss specific ways to improve those areas where improvement is needed. Discuss the functions of managers in the area of human resources. You must be very careful when reading the assignment and distinguish from a position paper, a comparative paper and case analysis. We will use research papers or case study analyses as core deliveries of your assignments. In general case studies require you to read the case in its entirety to gain an understanding of the background in which the facts are set and the particular problem within the case. You will find that reading through more than once will help you better understand the dynamics. The following steps are generic to most case studies, used in this course. For purposes of this course the final document your submission will be graded on the following parts with their respective subheadings: (1) Introduction of case or topic (2) Facts as presented in the case or topic paraphrased for the report (3) A summary of the area of Human Resource Management (4) Your Detailed Discussion of the case or topic including personal conclusion. You must provide sound rationale for your arguments. Your recommendations should include practical rationale. After all you are operating in the role of a consultant, hence you are interpreting the issue from the perspective of an independent party. Keep in mind that your recommendations may not be viewed as a mere theoretical approach, but must also integrate application.