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How Social Media Is Affecting Teens


Write an approximately 750 word critical analysis on the argument and the elements (see below) the author uses to support it for ONE the following texts. “From Cyberbullying to Digital Addiction: How Social Media Is Affecting Teens” by Nicole Martin, Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicolemartin1/2018/12/20/from-cyberbullying-to-digital-addiction-how-social-media-is-affecting-teens/ (Links to an external site.) INSTRUCTIONS: Your essay should have a strong thesis that takes a stand and forecasts the argument of your paper. You might then briefly summarize the arguments of the text and then quickly state what you think are the most interesting elements for analysis and show how they support or fail to support the author’s position. You do not have to deal with every issue that is addressed in each text, only what’s relevant to your argument. Critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the text. Think about how the authors use pathos, ethos, and logos. Is it justified and reasonable or are they unduly trying to persuade the reader. You should be able to recognize the different “pieces” or “parts” (literary elements and /or rhetorical strategies) that make an argument “work.” Successful critical analysis can only be achieved with thorough critical reading: Spend time with the texts. Read and re-read them. Make notes. Underline important points. Question why the author addresses his or her topic in the way he or she does: What is the overall feel/tone of the piece? How did the author achieve this? Does the author use specific sentence structure, language, or vary punctuation to create an effect? Do not write a summary of the essay. Organize your essay around “ideas.” Imagine these authors are engaged in a kind of conversation with the reader. For your convenience and as a reminder, here are some of the critical parts to an argument: Major Components Thesis Author Title Audience Overall Structure Rhetorical Modes Compare/Contrast Cause and Effect Analytical Process Dialogue Description Narrative, Etc. Literary Elements Theme Tone Imagery Symbolism Irony Personification Figurative Language, Etc. Other Strategies References (does the author refer to other figures, i.e. people, places, time period?) Interviews Data Outside sources Personal anecdotes, experiences, Etc.
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