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How Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Falls Under the Six Categories.

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How Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Falls Under the Six Categories.


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How Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Falls Under the Six Categories.

Seize Power

Stalin was a wise political leader who was keen on developing control over many social, political, and military systems he interacted with. He carefully developed his power within the Communist Party at a time when the party was still strong to get a grasp of what was happing around the world. As General Secretary, he wielded considerable influence over its apparatus, using this position to appoint supporters into key roles within it, effectively building his support network within. This group opposed Stalin's policies and advocated for more moderate approaches; Stalin accused these members of being traitors and used his control of the party apparatus to have them expelled from membership.

Destroy Rivals

Stalin began his campaign to eliminate his rivals shortly after becoming General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1922. Utilizing this position, he appointed his loyalists to key roles within both party and government, effectively creating a power base to build. From there on out, his efforts focused on gradually dislodging rivals from power. In 1927, Stalin launched an assault against what became known as the "Right Opposition" within his party. This included prominent figures like Nikolai Bukharin, Alexei Rykov, and Mikhail Tomsky - seen by him as potential rivals - all seen as potential challenges to him. Stalin accused these individuals of being traitors to him personally. He expelled them all from membership using his control over the party apparatus. Stalin took action again in 1928 by attacking Trotsky's Left Opposition movement (Left Opposition). Stalin accused these members of being counterrevolutionaries and used his control of the party to have them expelled and eventually expelled from Soviet Russia.

Reign Through Terror

Terror and repression marked Stalin's regime. Under Stalin's control, the NKVD wielded almost unlimited authority to arrest or detain anyone suspected of disloyalty or dissent. Meanwhile, propaganda and censorship served to control population dynamics while furthering Stalin's cult of personality; show trials were used as intimidation tactics against opponents who voiced opposition - anyone speaking out against Stalin risked arrest or execution.

Control the Truth

 Stalin's Regime...


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