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How Does the Film 'Double Suicide' Use
Traditional Japanese Theatre and What Are the Stylistic, Narrative and Thematic
Effects of This Usage?
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studies] How does the film 'Double Suicide' use traditional Japanese theatre,
and what are the stylistic, narrative, and thematic effects of this usage?
Suicide is a film set in Osaka's business class, based on a Bunraku
theater. The script was authored by MonzaemonChikamatsu,a famous dramatist in
premodern Japan. Due to the merchant Jihei's reluctance to repay his beloved,
the courtesan Koharu, they decide to commit shinju (lovers' Suicide) to be
reunited in the next life. The author used some stylistic of Japanese theatre-like:
staginess use of sounds, imagery, and character. Being one of the four foremost innovative Japanese directors
of the modern wave of movie and film stylization developed between the 1950s
and 1960s, Shinoda maintained the significant concepts of the story to ensure
that the latest transformations of the movie do not contradict the initial
storyline of the film (Shirane,2013, 236). Shinoda only employed few stylization
techniques and changes of the traditional aesthetics into modern art, leaving
the significant components of the story in its original foundational story.
During the advent of political transformations in Japan, the story came right
that involved using cinemas as new tools or weapons to condemn political
repressions (Ebrey, 2012, 295). The connection of the new wave film to the
political situation in the country resulted in the ranking of this movie as one
of the political-aesthetical Japanese films
consideration of Double Suicide's historical context will shed light on the
film's interaction with and transformation of traditional aesthetics. The
director Shinodawas among the four leaders of the late 1950s and early 1960s
Japanese New Wave movement.David Desser situates the New Wave within the film
of the 1960s student protest movement, emphasizing the revival of AMPO, the
Japan-US Mutual Security Act, and the resurgence of traditional authority.It
was deemed to exemplify Annette Michelson(David,1988, 5-24) (who has written
extensively about Oshima) has examined the evolution of cinema as a medium or
instrument of political struggle during this period.Dessert asserts that this
cultural commitment is filtered into a criticism of realist shingeki theatre
techniques, the program strongly influenced by European realists named Ibsen.
(David,1988, 5-24)
Styles used in double Suicide that
demonstrate traditional Japanese theater
Double Suicide (1969)
identifies the style throughout the film. Double Suicide is also about
understanding Japanese puppet theater. Played through characters being
manipulated by stagehands dressed in black, or Kuroko, while visibly developing
the characters' ordeals and predicaments, such as the male lead's performance
for his character undergoing unfortunate occurrences, leading to Suicide. The
film followed its bunraku play origins and developed it further by creating it
into a Japanese drama, or kabuki, making a story intertwined with the old and
the new stylistic choices.
Use of stage
Suicide brings this activity to the forefront, with the
kurogo often influencing, directing, and assisting live performers in their
plays.Actors often come to a halt in the middle of a scene, allowing the kurogo
to control the villain through it, or they kneel and watch closelyover their dark
veils as a sensual scene unfolds as the next step toward the eventual shinju.
According to some reviewers, the kurogo's ghostly presence resembles the hand
of destiny leading the characters' lives. Although this interpretation increases
a level of figurative meaning to the dramaturgy, the influence of these
figures' mute physical appearance, as well as the mystique surrounding their
work, creates an attraction that goes past any inquiry of symbolic meaning. On
the one side, the film's breathtaking black-and-white shooting, the kurogo
becomes yet another icon—the graphic properties of scenes. Brothels, streetlamps,
windows, gravestones are built around them. The design of the walls and floors
and the relationships created. The amid figure and ground reflect this acute understanding
of the set's visual qualities.
The emphasis on "staginess" in the film starts with
the opening scene, which takes place in a bunraku puppet theater. The
architecture and conventions of these nearly life-size wooden puppets are
integrated into the structure of Double Suicide, complete with visible,
black-clad, hooded puppeteers. Bunraku theater is known for its kurogo, which
is the uncanny doubling of the puppeteers' figures.
Actors move through walls adorned with white and black figures suggestive of the ukiyo-e woodblock custom in early scenes in the pleasure quarters.Lovers, outfitted in kimonos that are black and white and sprinkled through the stage, blend in with the color black and white figures drawn on the floor, are filmed from above. The pleasure house's backdrop transforms into massive ink blotches as the film progresses, acting as a visual cipher for the unfolding confusion and collapse of social order. In Jihei's store, these graphic patterns evolved from scrawled calligraphic texts on the walls to single and shapeless brushstrokes with liquid inkdrops cascading through the walls in the film. The divisions devolve into artistic elements as the kurogo...