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How Does an Early Childhood Teacher Prepare Young Children to Become Readers and Writers?

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ECD Portfolio Development Response
throughout your time at CCTC to showcase your growth and progress throughout the For ECD 131, you will continue to develop your ECD Portfolio. You will use this portfolio program. Most of the Early Childhood classes have a portfolio assignment listed in the syllabuses. This will help you compile most of the necessary artifacts as you complete each ECD course. The completed portfolio will be included in your grade for ECD 237-
Methods and Materials.
The following items should be added to your ECD Portfolio for ECD 131.
The following items should be placed under Standard 5:
One Activity Form
One Example of Appropriate Print script
Picture of your puppet, monkey mitt, environmental print teacher-made resource, teacher-made book, or 3 word read aloud resource.
A one-page typed response to the following question:
How does an early childhood teacher prepare young children to become readers and writers? (key words- literacy, reading readiness, appropriate curriculum, reading aloud) (Submitted to D2L and included in binder.)
How to Set Up Your ECD 131 Portfolio Development Response
Create a header with your Name and ECD 131 in the upper left corner. For example:
Your Name
ECD 131 Date
Then center the title, ECD Portfolio Development Response, on the first line. Then include the question centered on the next line (How does an early childhood teacher prepare young children to become readers and writers?).
Your ECD Portfolio Development Response should be at least one page, double spaced, 12 pt font (Times New Roman or Century Gothic). The following paragraphs should be included in your ECD Portfolio Development Response for ECD 131. Paragraph One: Describe your belief on the importance of young children reading and writing.
Paragraph Two: Describe how you will create a literacy-rich classroom environment to encourage young children as readers and writers.
Paragraph Three: Describe at least four strategies or learning experiences you will use in your classroom to encourage and support young children as readers and writers.
Please see rubric on the next page for scoring information.



Student’s Name

ECD 131


ECD Portfolio Development Response

How Does an Early Childhood Teacher Prepare Young Children to Become Readers and Writers?

            Early childhood education represents one of the many significant phases a child takes towards independence. It is, however, the period which most children learn how to be accountable and accomplish multiple tasks; I believe it represents a stage in which they become readers and writers.

            My belief about the importance of young children reading loud and writing is that it helps them stimulate their thoughts and develops their insights into the world. These practices allow them to improve language and listening skills and enables them to appreciate the value of written words as well as the meaning of language. As a result, these actions stretch the understanding and motivate children to advance their skills.

            To create a literacy-rich classroom environment that will encourage young pupils to become writers and readers, I will increase the amount of non-fictional...


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