NIMBY is essentially "not in my backyard" and is a mentality that a civic need for a rehab facility or jail built in a neighborhood will drive up crime and cause property values to dip.*How can NIMBY affect the economy, jobs, and growth?In theory, big projects like a jail or even the explosion of job growth in silicon valley should mean an influx in jobs and the economy. This isn't always the case unfortunately. NIMBYism is bad for the nation as a whole. Even though labor productivity has grown the most over the last few decades in three specific U.S. cities: New York, San Francisco, and San Jose: that local growth hasn’t translated to greater national growth at all, thanks to a lack of housing.* How can NIMBY affect the advancement of the Smart Grid? To advance the smart grid there needs to be land occupied to increase the advancement. Many residents don't want that kind of eyesore in there neighborhood even if they could be dealing with unsatisfactory consistent power delivery. Their needs to be a compromise to meet energy needs but having the NIMBY attitude will halt progress.* Has NIMBY affected any energy-related projects in your area? Has it been resolved?I cant find any energy related projects that were halted due to NIMBY, however their have been many housing projects that have been met with much resistance. A particular district in downtown that is more dedicated to the arts and musicians and has a very homegrown artsy feel. Over time this area has been slowly developed and the property values are very high and the demand for living space has gone up. There was a apartment complex scheduled to be built but many protested this decision. Ultimately the project is now moving forward but compromises were made on how high this complex can be to maintain the aesthetic the community desired.ResourceCapps, K. (June 5, 2015). NIMBYism Is a Huge Drag on America's Economic Growth. Retrieved from: to an external site.)