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Homework questions: Why Great Britain Ended

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 4. After reading about the Gold Standard, and William Jennings Bryan’s emotional speech, write an essay analyzing what might have happened if William Jennings Bryan had won the 1896 election in the United States? Most likely, Bryan would have taken the US off the Gold Standard, but perhaps your understanding of international finance and macroeconomics lets you see other possible outcomes. Be creative and enjoy this opportunity to write an alternative history of the world, but be sure to give your alternative history a solid economic and financial foundation.

8. Explain why Great Britain ended up with a gold standard and not a silver standard. Provide an alternative set of gold and silver prices that might have resulted in Britain adopting the silver standard.


4. Explain precisely how the transfers required for the war reparations mandated by the Versailles Treaty could have been carried out.

8. Why do you suppose that central bankers were so persistent in their support of gold convertibility?

9. Describe the Tripartite Agreement. Why was the exchange rate pegged and not fixed?






Homework questions: Why Great Britain Ended

What if William Jennings Bryan Won the Presidency?

In 1896, William Jennings Bryan lost the presidential election, and this situation prevented him from implementing his Progressive ideas, such as anti-trust legislation, income tax, and so on. His ideals targeted political machines and championed for economic and financial prosperity. He supported the elimination of corruption in government because he trusted that taking down corrupt officials would have improved the living standards of the common man. He maintained anti-trust laws because he was confident that in the regulation of corporation and monopolies. William Jennings Bryan trusted that the adoption of economic and financial reforms promoted rational economic competition for the advantage of fair business competitors.

Why Great Britain Ended up With a Gold Standard and Not a Silver Standard

By 1821, Great Britain adopted a gold standard as opposed to a silver standard because of the country’s increased interests in international trade and production that revealed discoveries of gold. Around the mid-1800s, most states sought to standardize transaction because of the growing global business. As a result, Great Britain adopted a gold standard and acknowledged gold as its national currency valued at $20.67/oz. However, gold prices were unreliable and dropped any time miners discovered large mines....


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