Write an article on the role of Hollywood in global film markets Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Film industry in Hollywood utilizes the demands in the local markets and global markets to produce and market their products. This promotes the work of artist and celebrities who rely in film industry to earn a living. Each year the number of celebrities that stream into the corridors of Hollywood increases. This has led to the growth of American society. Film production enhances the entertainment industry. Many people like streaming into the movie houses or cinema halls to watch movies as a means to spending their leisure time. Hollywood movies influence the global film market by influencing prices and trends adopted by the film industry. Hollywood production has benefited American society because of the income the government is able to earn from the film and media industry. Employment opportunities that the Hollywood movie industry offers shapes lives of many people (Hesmondhalgh, 2007:176). Hollywood movies are a threat to social structures of the society. The movies influence the social lives of individuals who watch them. Many people tend to immolate and practice social scenes that they view in the movies. This paper explores the role of Hollywood in global film market. Introduction Movie industry helps the society to figure historical events or possible events in society. Actors take their time to act in movies, which portrays the state of society. In America, the media industry contributes a lot to the economy of the nation because of movie productions in Hollywood. Hollywood movie industry is renowned for it sparkling productions, which have drawn the attention of many people worldwide. Celebrities and moviemakers find their ways to Hollywood because of the reputation that it has. Hollywood movies flood the global market and many people feel that Hollywood commands a greater share of the global market. History records that the first film studio in Hollywood was in 1911. That studio belonged to Nestor Company. The demand for movies and films by the people led to the group of Hollywood film industry. Today filmmaking is a career that employs thousands of people. Many people like going to cinemas and theatre halls for refreshment, or spend their leisure time. The role of media in society has contributed to the revelation of historical facts and events, which, the society would forget. Media activities in the United States rely on the work of Hollywood filmmakers (Garnham, 1990:145). Many soap operas and other programs in television channels spring from movies acted in Hollywood. These productions have an economic benefit to American society and the world. The government and society raise income from the filmmaking. Notably, the advancement in technology is a factor that has led to growth in the film industry. It is important to note, the media industry is competitive, and Hollywood is viewed as a destination, which shapes the future of society. Film Making in Hollywood The film making industry in Hollywood has lasted for more than a decade. Moviemakers have shot different kinds of movies to illustrate to society different social events. Hollywood is a town where the main business is moviemaking. It attracts celebrates from different parts of the world. Many movie writers, directors, and produce visit this venture for production purposes.