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History: Summary of article “United The Development of Industrial States”

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Follow the following basics in choosing and summering the articles

Once you know what you want to write on you will find a Credited online article on it to write over....credited means official.History.comFDR.comWWII.org.... etc. Sites such as Wikipedia and others that can be altered by the general public are not allowed...or deemed as credited. Pick a good article or articles filled with good details since most of your paper is going to be summarizing the chosen article in your own words. Vietnam is the cut off period... no topic past Vietnam will be allowed as that is as far as we will get this semester. You may choose more than one article to write over if you wish.....I advise choosing two or three articles to give you more information to write your paper over. In your paper you are going to give me an in-depth summary of the article(s) and what you learned in it, relate it to class, and then spend some time giving me your opinions on the article(s0...why you chose it, what you learned, if it went along with the lecture notes and book or if it was different, if you hated it, etc. THIS IS PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT so do not forget to include it. Do not simply repeat the book information or power point information back to me... you need to research your topic and write original work.



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History:  Summary of article  “United The Development of Industrial States”

The summarized articles are very useful as they depict how the United States started to establish itself as a significant player in the industrial sector years after the Civil War. The United States was able to experience an era of reconstruction, whereby the economy transformed depicting the strength of the industrial economy (National Museum of American History). Besides, the economic transformation was also evidenced by industrial conflict, the establishment of labor unions, the development of large-scale agriculture, as well as the expansion of businesses. There was also an extension of old industries in the United States complemented by the creation of new industries, most of these industries majored in electric power, manufacturing of steel, crude oil refining, and so on. This led to significant shift and expansion...


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