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History Project- Meaningful Community Service

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English (U.S.)
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Note: This assignment is potentially worth 7.5% of your final grade. Essentially it is an opportunity for you to add 75 points! So, think of it as an opportunity to add 10-20 points to each exam or 5-7 points to every quiz.  The overall course grade is comprised of 1000...so this pluses you up, potentially, over half a letter grade. 


For this project, you are going to be engaging in a process that educators call service-learning. According to the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, service learning is “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.” In this project, then, you will be making a meaningful contribution to the important role that our community plays in preserving history. This hands-on learning experience will demonstrate that history isn’t dead, and we can all play a part in its preservation.

Let’s get started.


Part 1: Meaningful Community Service

Due to time and the situation we face this semester due to the ongoing COVID crisis, we will limit options to those listed below and obviously interaction  with the community (if you so choose) could be pursued at a future date, after class is completed, and once social distancing permits. However, this extra credit project gets you thinking about history in your area (or state) and potential to engage the community.  Choose one of the following activities to complete by Saturday, October 9. These will be submitted under assessments via Assignments tab:

  1. Write a letter to advocate for the preservation of an important historical or cultural site in your community or state. (ie. Think of this as something you might submit to your local Chamber of Commerce, City Council, Tourism Board, etc.). 
  2. Write an article about a local historic place, event, or person. (ie. Think of this as something you would write for your local newspaper (editorial piece) to raise awareness in your community). 
  3. Brainstorm ideas about how the community might better promote local historic sites and tourism. Write up a one pager (or a PPT) on your ideas. (ie. Think of this option as something you might present to the local historical society and chamber of commerce in a letter or in person).

Part 2: Reflection

Write a short 3-paragraph (max one page) reflection of your experience. In the FIRST paragraph, explain what you could do in the community. In the SECOND paragraph, describe how your letter/article could contribute to the preservation of the historical event, place.  And in the THIRD (final) paragraph, describe how this experience altered your understanding of history and the role that we (as a community) play in making and preserving history.

No citations are necessary for this assignment.

Criteria for Success 

  • This project is worth 75 points
    • Completion of proposed letter, article, PPT - 25 points
    • Reflection paper - 50 points
  • In this reflection paper, I am looking for evidence of three things:
    • You thought about community service in a constructive and meaningful way.
    • You have thoughtfully considered the hands-on role we (as members of a community) play in creating, maintaining, and preserving the historical record.
    • You can effectively communicate what you learned in a reflection paper that addresses the value of history and follows the conventions of Standard American English.

Again, this is strictly optional but gives you a chance to: 1. contemplate the place of history in your community/state 2. earn extra credit!



The writer who takes the job needs to communicate with me which activity they can execute successfully for this assignment.



History Project- Meaningful Community Service

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Professor’s Name


Part 1: Meaningful Community Service

Community is always at the center stage in the promotion, preservation, or degradation of historical sites within the community. A community has the choice of either building or ruining what they have. There are various ways in which the community can promote tourism and its historical sites. Some of the critical ways in which this can be achieved include giving incentives and rehabilitation.

Historic sites and tourists' centers preservation of either building and other structures, archeological sites, neighborhoods, landscapes, and other historic assets can serve right in the understanding of a community's pride in its rich history as well as bringing economic gains and other benefits. It is therefore important for the community to promote its historic sites by either preservation, rehabilitation, and giving incentives to visitors.

Rehabilitation is a very good way of preserving the restoration of a derelict or neglected historic site or property. Rehabilitation means that there is the possibility of reusing again a historic property that seemed abandoned. Rehabilitation is important for the retention of a historical element. Restoration and preservation are more likely to come along with a heritage tourism campaign or neighborhood renewal effort.

Incentives are another way in which a community can encourage promotion, preservation, and rehabilitation. Incentives are important as they help in offsetting some of the costs that are associated with visiting historical sites as domestic tourists. When the costs of touring historic sites are subsidized as a form of incentive, it becomes affordable, and many people can now afford to visit and generate an income for its preservation activities. They can also offer a historic preservation curriculum in schools. Historic sites promotion can also be achieved through the introduction of a curriculum in schools...


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