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History of Business from Ancient time to Modern Days

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History of Business from Ancient time to Modern Days


History of Business from Ancient time to Modern Days


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History of Business from Ancient time to Modern Days

Business is one of the oldest profession known to human beings and dates back decades of centuries. To the knowledge of many people, marketing is a way of life, and they value the proceeds which they gain from transacting and interacting with people from different spheres of the world. Most often than not, most people do not understand the changes business has undergone to its current state where they can transact efficiently with any person in the world. Specifically, looking back, when business was traditional, but today, accessible means of payment such as credit cards, online transaction, and bank transfer were are common. The transition has enabled human beings to take the front seat in enjoying the transformation of business activities to its current status.

To begin with, entrepreneurship and trade were among the key terms that were used to refer to the business and this practice dates to nearly over 20,000 years ago (Nelson, 1996). According to history recorded by Nelson (1996), the oldest know business took place in New Guinea in as early as 17,000 BCE. During this trade era, the community had sufficient volcanic glass which was used by other cities for hunting. In exchange, the New Guinea people demanded skin and food. This form of business was based on a mutual benefit where the people offering the glass for hunting tools were compensated by foodstuffs and skin from hunted wild animals. Due to increasing inclination and adoption of trailing by many communities, this trade expanded and became a well-recognized activity that was even supported by the authority for about one millennium.

Secondly, the old today's development of business was linked between the entrepreneurship and the agrarian revolution. In about 12,000 years ago, many societies had adopted the idea of doing farming. However, to fructify this aspiration, they needed special tools such as forks which would enable them to make work easier. According to Naylor (2006), agriculture was divided broadly into two categories which entailed the domestication of animals and that of plants. A few farmers practiced mixed farming and would, therefore, keep both plants and animals. However, for those who kept plants animals alone, at times, they need the plants' products such as millet and cone. On the other hand, those who kept plants alone needed to look for ways to source animals' products such as milk, meat, and even manure to use in their farm. The business during this era entailed exchanging what one had in plenty to get what they did not have. For example, farmers would trade calves for a specific measure of the cone for food. 

Thirds, business started taking a modern form when the trade routes were expanded during the period 2000 BCE onward. During this development phase, intermediaries had already taken their rightful place of buying products in advance and selling them at a profit or connecting the buyers with the sellers. Most ancient areas of targeted by influential businessmen...


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