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History Narrative: Retelling a Slave Story

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You will use your last name to find a narrative: Florida

student assigned by the first letter of their last name:

Arkansas - Last names starting with A -B
Florida - Last names starting with C-D
Georgia- Last names starting with E-F
Indiana - Last names starting with G-H
Kansas - Last names starting with I-J
Kentucky- Last names starting with K-L
Maryland- Last names starting with M-N
Mississippi -Last names starting with O-P
North Carolina- Last names starting with Q-R
Ohio- Last names starting with S-T
Oklahoma - Last names starting with U-V
South Carolina- Last names starting with W-X
Tennessee - Last names starting with Y-Z


1. You are to find one slave narratives from your assigned states.
2. In essay format, you will retell to the class what you heard and read about from your chosen person about their slave experiences...

Syllabus States:

Interactive Written Debates and written Essay Research discussion forums: During the course you will write essay in week 3 and a essay in week 6 with 2 peer responses to discuss the interactive topic, add references—posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Forum area of the class.

You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus 3 full references due Friday ...Remember to explain what details and experiences these ex-slaves gave in describing the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery.

3. Also 2 peer responses that are at least 100 words each minimum to complete the forum due Sunday.

4. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major's designated style: MLA, APA, CS, Kate L. Turabian's Manual, and the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES!

5. Also summarize your findings on this ex-slave in the last paragraph. What did you find surprising or different than based on your own knowledge of enslavement and what the course has discussed so far.
Options to access the narratives:

Option 1: The LOC site where you can hear and read the narrative...there is something powerful about listening to the people in their own voice about their experiences....When you go this link: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/voices/title.html look under the state

Option 2: Location in the class is at the bottom of this forum post...attached are every state and the transcripts of the interviews by state for you to read Up one level

Also for a third reference various sources to help:

About this Collection - Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the ...


North American Slave Narratives - Documenting the American South


Slave narratives - PBS


American Slave Narratives


Can WPA slave narratives be trusted, or are they tainted by ...


The CRAAP test will help you learn what is an academic source:

Currency: How old is it? Is it up-to-date? Or is it a primary source document?

Reliability and Relevance: What is the source of the information? Is it relevant to your topic? Who published it? Is it peer-reviewed? Is there a bias?

Authority: Who is the author? What are their credentials? What is their field of expertise?

Authenticity: How factual is the source? And is it valid and reliable?

Purpose or Point-of-View: What is the author's intention? Who is it written for (which audience)? Is this a primary source or secondary document? Is it a tertiary document (not allowed)?

For online sources, you must ask addition questions. What is the domain (.edu?)? Who publishes the site, or sponsors it? Is it recent (has it been updated)? Are there advertisements or signs that it is a poorly designed website with all kinds of distractions? Is the site supposed to be an academic one? Or is it someone's pet project?

Remember that this is a formal essay and you need an introduction, body, and conclusion.

P.S. I can give you a list of slaves and stories they told separate that was provided to me if you need it







History Narrative: Retelling a Slave Story

Josephine Anderson, a former slave, was five years old when her family moved to Sanderson, in Baker County, Florida. Josephine was brought up by her stepfather, Stephen Anderson who worked in a turpentine factory, making barrels. While her mother, Dorcas, born and raised in Wilmington, worked as a slave together with her other children, Henry, Ed, and Elsie. Josephine helped her in cooking and other house chores; on the other hand, her step-sister nursed their master's baby. Born in slavery, Anderson had a unique experience of trials and misfortunes, and this is her story.

In 1937, in her interview with a white government official, Anderson recounts how her stepfather died while in a camp from a suspected heart attack. According to Stevenson, in bondage, black Americans were overworked by their masters, exposing them to significant health risks. The use of force exploited and degraded human beings since they feared punishment by slave drivers, making them to over exert themselves (Sklaroff). Josephine reveals that slave masters treated their subordinates poorly as they regarded them as a means to attain economic objectives. Not only does she talk about the inadequate medical care that slaves experienced, but she also deliberates on the harsh working conditions.

Josephine indicates that she never saw her mother wearing shoes, underlining how slaves worked under poor conditions and often in unsafe environments. Sklaroff posits that slavery left a legacy of neglect, discrimination, and disadvantage. According to the Library of Congress, Anderson discloses that even during winter her mother remained barefoot and wore poorly knit dresses that failed to protect her from cold, underlining her exposure to inhumane workplace settings. All this evidence shows that slave owners did not spend money on improving the working surroundings of their subordinates. Besides narrating the poor working conditions during slavery, she discusses how financial inadequacy affected her life.

Slaves experienced a problematic type of lifestyle; for example, lack of financial strength meant that Josephine could not afford a white dress. Monetary incapability is among the predominant issues that led to the development of stress among slaves as they failed to...


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