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History Discussion: Discuss the Origins and Evolution of Indentured Servitude and Slavery in the English Colonies

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For each topic, make need 2 pages. The essay responses will be evaluated on the use of specific detail and success in addressing the questions in their entirety.

Before you write the essay, you need reading the book CH1,4,5,9,14
Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!: An American History. Complete One Volume Edition, Third Seagull Edition (W.W. Norton and Company, 2016)


Every topic 2 pages. (Each with it OWN very short introduction and a conclusion paragraph). Create short subheadings for the essay. Do not label introduction and conclusion. Just a subtitle related to the questions.


1. Discuss the origins and evolution of indentured servitude and slavery in the English colonies through the 17th century. Be sure to explain why these systems originated and their defining characteristics.

2. Explain how ideas about freedom and British imperial policies worked to bind together colonists in British America and spark the American Revolution? How did the Revolutionary era affect the government created in the early national period?



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History Discussion: Discuss the Origins and Evolution of Indentured Servitude and Slavery in the English Colonies

Topic 1

Under the system of indentured servitude, young Europeans immigrated to the English Colonies. These immigrants provided English farmers with paid labor after signing an indenture or a contract to offer their services for a certain period. The contract signed allowed employees to sell the labor of immigrants to a third party. After completing the contract, indentured servants gained freedom.

Origins and evolution of indentured servitude and slavery

The first indentured servants arrived in the English colonies or the Thirteen British colonies in 1607. By the 18th century, indentured servitude and slavery were common in the English Colonies. Wear (436) affirms that indentured servitude was an avenue through which young Europeans immigrated to the American colonies. In 1619, Virginia territory received its first black Africans. At first the black Africans enjoyed the privileges and rights of indentured servants; however, the passage of slave laws abolished their rights. The cost of indentured servants increased with the growing demand for labor. Newly freed servants threatened many landowners as they demanded land hence this situation highlighted the problems associated with indentured servitude. For that reason, landowners abandoned indentured servitude for indentured slavery because African slaves provided an ever-renewable and profitable source of labor.

Factors behind indentured servitude

Shopkeepers, merchants, and landowners in the British colonies needed to acquire cheap labor. By the 17th century, it was difficult to hire workers due to the increased access to frontier land where this right of entry ensured that potential workers could set up their farms. The only solution was to find a source of cheap labor from other places, especially, from Europe. Poor young Europeans emigrated from Britain to the English colonies where they could provide their services for a period to services their debts used as travel costs. Focusing on American History, Foner argues that indentured servants did not receive cash payments because they received training, clothing, accommodation, and food. The access to indentured servants ensured that employers provided contracts that specified the years of service.

Characteristics of the systems of indentured servitude

Despite the existence of slaves in the English colonies, the order of indentured servitude was a popular method among landowners. Indentured servitude benefitted both employers and servants. The "Headright System" was popular in Maryland and Virginia; it allowed each colony leader to appreciate the significance of labor in economic prosperity. This system ensured that the colony supported the importation of young Europeans as workers. According to Wear (437), the "Headright System" was used by wealthy farmers to acquire more land because the colony awarded them with 50 acres of land for each servant brought into the English colonies. For the given period of indenture, wealthy aristocrats enjoyed the services of the servants. Besides, this system served servants as well because their employers fully paid their travel costs. The signed indenture guaranteed that servants...


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