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As you have been exploring human behavior and the social environment, you have likely increased your awareness of the many biological, psychological, and sociological factors that affect individual behavior. Human relationships are complex, and social workers may find it difficult to keep these important interactions in mind when addressing a client's needs. Murray Bowen (as cited in Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2019, p. 582). developed the genogram, a tool to help social workers and other practitioners create a record of family relationships. Once a social worker creates a genogram for a client, he or she may refer to it when analyzing the client's situation.
To prepare for this
Assignment, become familiar with how to create a genogram, which is presented
in this week's resources. Also, review this week's media about Juan and
Elena Hernandez's visit with their social worker.
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Submit a
2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:
Hernandez Family Case Study
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Course Name/Number
Due Date
Hernandez Family Case Study
Hernandez Family Genogram
Murray Bowen's view about people is that they
cannot be understood in isolation; for that reason, in his theory, Murray Bowen
developed a family genogram that can create an association between family
members and major events in their lives (Bowen, 1985).
Family is a system where an individual extracts their mannerism, behaviors, and
other interaction qualities; hence when one wants to make meaning, it's
important to establish family interdependence by creating a genogram.
understand the case under investigation, it is important to establish a
genogram to display the relation between Juan Jr., his younger brother, and his
parents. The history of how Juan Jr. is treated goes a long way since his
parents, Juan and Elena,...