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Health Technology


Technology Change ProposalProfessional ContextA change proposal, based on a needs analysis, is the next step toward the integration of new or updated technology. DNP-prepared leaders must be equipped to participate in the thoughtful selection of technology to enhance safe patient experiences.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to develop a technology change proposal informed by the needs analysis you completed in Unit 4.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:·        Competency 1: Defend the selection of a technology to meet the needs of a health care organization.o    Identify appropriate standards and specifications criteria for selecting new health information technology.o    Compare health information technologies based on appropriate selection criteria.·        Competency 2: Evaluate technology and its effect within a health care organization.o    Predict the positive and negative effects of new technology on patient-centered workflow.o    Forecast the longevity and future relevance of new health care technology.·        Competency 3: Evaluate and solve ethical and legal issues relating to health care technology.o    Explain the legal and ethical issues related to the effects of new technology on current practices.o    Explain how external and internal stakeholders can influence plans for changes in health care practice settings and complex health care delivery systems.·        Competency 4: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.o    Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.InstructionsDevelop a technology change proposal, for executive leaders in your organization, informed by the needs analysis you conducted in Unit 4.Before you begin writing your proposal, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence. Your proposal should include the following basic information:·        The problem, goal, or need for change.·        The desired outcome.·        The proposed solution.·        The positive and negative effects of the new technology.·        The action or decisions you need from executive leaders.The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that, at a minimum, you address each criterion. You may also want to read the Technology Change Proposal Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.·        Identify appropriate standards and specifications criteria for selecting new health information technology for the organization.o    Consider the ability of the technology to close specific gaps in care and the relevance and importance of associated outcome measures.o    Justify your selection criteria.·        Compare health information technologies based on appropriate selection criteria.o    What conclusions can you draw from your analysis?·        Explain the legal and ethical issues related to the effects of new technology on current practices.o    Determine how specific practice changes will be legally and ethically beneficial for quality patient outcomes.o    Determine the importance of specific practice changes in relation to legal and ethical standards.o    What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?·        Predict the positive and negative effects of the new technology on patient-centered workflow.o    Determine the relationships between strategic initiatives and a culture of technology-related patient care.o    Determine the most effective approach to implementing change.o    What evidence do you have that justifies that approach?·        Forecast the longevity and future relevance of the new health information technology.o    Consider the relevant measures and their influence on patient care.o    State the factors that affect longevity and future relevance.o    Include any evidence you have to support your predictions.·        Explain how internal and external stakeholders can influence plans for changes in health care practice settings and complex health care delivery systems.o    Determine how to engage stakeholders in sustaining a vision for change.o    Identify the factors having potential effects on outcomes.o    Include any evidence you have to support your assertions and conclusions.·        Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.o    Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.o    Organize and structure your writing coherently.o    Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.o    Adhere to the accepted rules of grammar and mechanics.o    Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your assignment.Also, you should enter your hours spent researching, interviewing, preparing, and presenting this proposal as experiential practicum hours into CORE ELMS.Submission RequirementsDocument Format and LengthFor this assignment:·        Use the Technology Change Proposal Template, linked in the Resources.·        Be sure your proposal is 3–4 pages in length.Supporting EvidenceCite at least five credible sources from peer-reviewed journals (must be RECENT (YEAR 2015 or newer)) or professional industry publications to support your proposal.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO THIS PAPER WILL BE BASED OFF OF THE NEEDS ADDRESSED FROM THE PREVIOUS PAPER YOU WROTE (NEEDS ANALYSIS YOU WROTE PREVIOUSLY IS ATTACHED)).  THEY WANT US TO DETERMINE A TECHNOLOGY CHANGE PROPOSAL BASED UPON THOSE NEEDS AND FORMAT IT AS SHOWN ABOVE.  THE PAPER REQUIRES 5 CITED SOURCES FROM THE YEAR 2015 OR NEWER. Please advise if you have any questions!  Thank you so much for your time!
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