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Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications


HIM 500 Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricOverview: In this milestone, you will submit an analysis of how the company in the case study is noncompliant and the strategies (general, not specifics) to moveit toward compliance.Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:II. Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications: In this section of your final project, you will finish your preparation by reviewing and explaining theramifications for the organization if it decides to wait on addressing its recent violations regarding technology use.A. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are notaddressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.B. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violationsare not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.C. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institutionif these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 1–2 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use doublespacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) ValueHealth Regulations andLaws Ramifications:FinancesDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thefinances of the institution if theseviolations are not addressed,supporting response withexamplesDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thefinances of the institution if theseviolations are not addressed,supporting response withexamples, but explanation iscursory or illogical, or supportingexamples are misalignedDoes not determine how violatinghealth regulations and lawsregarding technology mightimpact the finances of theinstitution if these violations arenot addressed30Health Regulations andLaws Ramifications: DailyOperationsDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thedaily operations of the institutionif these violations are notaddressed, supporting responsewith examplesDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thedaily operations of the institutionif these violations are notaddressed, supporting responsewith examples but explanation iscursory or illogical, or supportingexamples are misalignedDoes not determine how violatinghealth regulations and lawsregarding technology mightimpact the daily operations of theinstitution if these violations arenot addressed30Health Regulations andLaws Ramifications:SecurityDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thesecurity of the health informationin the institution if theseviolations are not addressed,supporting response withexamplesDetermines how violating healthregulations and laws regardingtechnology might impact thesecurity of the health informationin theinstitution if theseviolations are not addressed,supporting response withexamples, but explanation iscursory or illogical, or supportingexamples are misalignedDoes not determinehowviolatinghealth regulations and lawsregarding technology mightimpact the security of the healthinformation in the institution ifthese violations are notaddressed30ArticulationofResponse Submission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impact readabilityand articulation of main ideasSubmission has critical errors related to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideas10Total 100%
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