Write an article on Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Another serious issue is that the majority of these HIV infected people are inhabitants of the developing world (CDC). This not only is a serious health threat but also a factor that hinders these countries’ economic development. This issue is not only a health related issue but also a socio-economic problem for these countries. In each of the countries where AIDS/HIV patients are growing in number, health care costs have increased and that has a direct impact on these countries’ economies. According to an estimate of the World Bank, the cost of health care will increase by around 40% in the next few years for all of these countries. In this paper, guidelines for controlling and monitoring such a medical and socio-economic issue will be discussed, along with an analysis of best practices and clinical pathways that must be used to manage this HIV/AIDS issue. Case management plan Case management in the nursing and health fields deals with special management training in order to coordinate with patients for the best available health services. .Nursing case management basically is a training program based on the patient’s satisfaction about their health and special care. The basic approach of this training syllabus is based on five components as given below: 1- Consideration 2- Planning 3- Execution 4- Evaluation 5- Coordination All of these five basic factors involved in nursing case management focus on a single goal of maintaining health quality. The training involves a multi-faceted process dealing with the coordination of a wide group of people, such as patients, family members as well as the health care team. By coordinating this group of people, better health care can be achieved by helping to utilize the best possible resources that are availabile in the most appropriate management facilities. As per the Case Management Society of America, case management basically is a multitask process. it not only helps in improving health care facilities and providing a general and individual approach for a better quality of life, but it also works to reduce the cost of health care. It is a collaborative effort that includes planning, facilitation, selection of best options and optimum utilization of available resources. Data analysis and research about various diseases, treatment and special care related to some specific health issues is another important element involved in nursing case management. Below are the basic goals of nursing case management: An efficient and quick usage of appropriate resources according to requirements. Availability of useful information about various health issues and best health care facilities for patients and families. Achievement of desired outcome in health care section. Valuable activities for improving proficiency and performance. Practice team collaboration. Provide quality services to achieve best health care outcomes. In most cases it’s the responsibility of registered nurses to work as case managers. Nursing case management involves various factors and for the most part, medical staff and nurses are being trained in diverse work areas. Nursing case management may vary from patient to patient and, according to medical experts, nursing case management involves different techniques for different diseases. For general patients and in cases of self care (patients with specific diseases like diabetes, where patients can control their own symptoms), areas of attention for nurses are quite different.