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Health Communication Theory Paper

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COM/HLT 320 Health Communication Theory Paper

In this paper, you are asked to do the following for a theory of your choice: (1) explanation: explain the theory by defining and explaining its key concepts and related propositions (statements about how concepts relate to one another); and (2) application: apply the theory to a real health-related situation, demonstrating how the theory can be utilized to frame the problem, understand what's going on, and suggest what to do about it.

Choose a theory and explain it (About 1.5-2 pages)

            Choose one of the following theories discussed in the textbook for this paper (key concepts of the theory are listed):

The Health Belief Model (Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficacy)
Theory of Planned Behavior (attitude, subjective norm, perceived control, intention to perform the behavior, and behavior)

Stages of Change/Transtheoretical model (6 stages of change)
Elaboration Likelihood Model (motivation and ability, central and peripheral routes)

Cognitive Dissonance Theory (psychological dissonance, three ways to reduce dissonance)
            Choose a theory that interests you, that you understand reasonably well, or that you are curious about and want to learn more about. Another way is to first think about a real health communication problem that concerns you, and then think about a theory that will help your analysis of the problem.  Explain the theory by giving an overview, defining and explaining key concepts and related propositions (statements about relations among concepts), and connecting the concepts.

Apply the theory (About 2-3 pages)


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Health Communication Theory Paper: Theory of Planned Behavior

Human behaviors can be acquired. Some behaviors are good while others are bad, so worth change. Some changes need personal effort to change, while others will need internal and external contribution to change. The theory of planned behavior argues that people need external support to change their behavior, but their intention and willingness to change play a central role (Ajzen, 190). The theory of planned behavior is retained by personal attitude, subjective norms, and behavior control influence. This essay proposes to the application of planned behavior theory in changing smoking behavior among teenagers.

A cognitive behavior suggests that an individual's decision to engage in a specific behavior, smoking or stopping smoking, can be predicted by their intention to engage in that behavior. Choices are believed to capture the motivational factors that trigger a behavior (Manstead et al., 82). They are indications of how hard an individual is willing to try, and the efforts are eager to commit to performing the behavior.  Generally, the stronger an individual's intention to engage in a behavior, the more they are likely to perform that behavior. The theory of planned behavior maintain that intention is determined by three variable, including;

Personal attitudes towards a particular behavior, According to Verbeke et al. (76), personal attitude entails the summation of all individual attitudes, knowledge, and prejudice. The attitude can be classified into either positive or negative when people are considering a certain behavior.

Also, the subjective norm is another factor influencing planned behavior. Subjective norms consider how people view the idea of other persons about a particular behavior. This could be an attitude of society on a specific behavior, either good or bad behavior. Lastly, perceived behavior control influences the perpetuation of planned behavior theory. It is the extent to which people believe can control their behavior. Perceived behavior control depends on individuals' ability,...


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