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Health Benefits of Eating Organic Foods


Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses health benefits of eating organic. Countless magazines articles have written about organic food, and celebrities have bragged about which organic food dishes they like best. A whole industry devoted to the promotion of organic food has sprouted up like the green sprouts of an organically grown carrot. Why the sudden attention paid towards organic food? What is it about organic food that makes it so incredibly popular and has captured so many peoples’ imaginations? The answer is simple: organic food is very nutritious, chemical free and it is a way of taking back your diet from the Big Agro—the huge agriculture companies that have come to dictate our diets to us and in some ways our whole lives. The organic food movement represents a real shift away from this domination. It is also a way of empowering people to make healthy choices about their bodies and the world around them.As the middle class expanded more and more throughout the 1980s, people got richer and more affluent. They became more educated and the had more money in their pockets to spend as they saw fit. The result was that they wanted more choice. In the past people used to simply buy what was available to them in the supermarket, now however with more time and more education they have demanded more choice and more control over the products that they want to buy—especially when it comes to something as important as food, what everyone needs to live and what can affect our health so profoundly. Instead of simply buying what the supermarket has on sale, consumers these days will read the labeling, look at the nutritional information, and even do research about food companies. There is a real impulse to buy ethical products, products that are environmentally friendly, and products that don’t harm the world around us. As Mark Bittman recently wrote in the New York Times: . “There’s plenty of evidence that both a person’s health — as well as the environment’s — will improve with a simple shift in eating habits away from animal products and highly processed foods to plant products and what might be called “real food.” (With all due respect to people in the “food movement,” the food need not be “slow,” either.
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