Directions Starting from the first week of the course: Select and read one of the popular books written about leaders and leadership. See the Bibliography for idea. (If you choose a book, you do not need to read it the same way you read a textbook. A book can be read quickly and lightly. You can extract the essence from works of this nature without reading each word and line with “pain-staking detail.” You may find the essence of the author’s work in the first chapter, sometimes it appears in the last chapter, sometimes it is spread throughout the book.) or Select and read several related leadership articles. Write a 5- to 7-page summary of the author’s work—you have selected. You must include the following headings: Summary Leadership Concepts Involved Global and Domestic Implications Application to Ethical and Socially Responsible Standards Conclusion Use the following format guidelines for the paper: Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format. Use the APA format for writing papers. See the Purdue Online Writing Lab for guidelines. Your work is to be a summary and not a personal critique of the book or series of articles.