Governance and management of risk – financial and non-financial Format: Written report of 3300 words This assessment investigates the issue of board and management financial and non-financial risks due to uncertain past or future events in an organisation of your choice. Task Conduct a review of at least two uncertain events that lead to financial and or non-financial risks (i.e. at the strategic and management or operational levels) in an organisation of your choice as a corporate governance issue. Write a critical report about your findings. Use the concepts, tools and techniques learned in this subject to review these issues at the board and/or management levels. Format Your assessment submission must include: Context and scope in the introduction section for the governance of risk at your selected organisation, for example, a definition and description of at least two uncertain events and their associated risks (see the AIB Style Guide for information on writing an Introduction). A brief evaluation of the board and management at your selected organisation with respect to risk from a financial and non-financial perspective, i.e. current and recent past situation. An outline of which laws, corporate governance rules, concepts, theory or frameworks, standards, perspectives, guidelines or principles, and corporate, social, governance and sustainability issues or shareholder activism, etc., are relevant for the review. Critically and in an in-depth manner, discuss and argue their importance for your organisation. A critical analysis and evaluation of the selected organisation’s recent two uncertain events and identified associated financial and non-financial risks. That is, at least one risk at the strategic level and one risk at the managerial or operational levels (i.e. more than two risks or uncertain events can be identified) and models/tools used to identify risk impact/likelihood of an event and explain any controls in place, for example, risk matrix, risk mapping framework. See, for example, Figure 8.5 in Tricker (2019, p. 222). An evaluation and reasoning of the preparedness of the board and/or management in having measures in place for when uncertain events happen that lead to risks at various risk levels within your chosen organisation. What mechanisms are in place to make sure the board are kept well informed of managerial or operational risks by management? [Hint: check annual reports, for example, for financial and non-financial evidence.] Recommendations of improvement explicitly identified for the board and/or executive management based on your review of the risks they have had or could expect. A summary of the main findings in your conclusions section It is important to demonstrate your knowledge of the corporate governance issue and clearly reference your sources. Read about your issue in journal articles (i.e. using the AIB Online Library search facility GoogleScholar to access databases such as EBSCOHost, ABI/Inform, ScienceDirect, JSTOR), books (including the textbook), industry reports, entity reports, business literature, etc. Remember to note down your sources while researching and reference them correctly in the report. To do well in this assessment, you need to: structure your discussion appropriately use paragraphs of 3–8 sentences not write in the first person or too descriptively write critically and in-depth and include citations where appropriate (i.e. Author-Date, page number(s)) use double quotation marks for direct quotations of 30 words or less and indent quotations over 30 words with no quote marks use appropriate in-text citations (i.e. Author-Date) use appropriate in-text citations when paraphrasing/summarising other authors works and especially entity facts source tables/figures (even in appendices) appropriately use and reference credible sources clearly link recommendations to the description and analysis presented earlier in the report. Example heading structure Executive Summary (i.e. 250 words or less) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Governance and management roles 3. Legislation, Theory, Corporate Governance Principles or Guidelines related to case organisation 4. Committees, external auditor, company secretary responsibilities for risks 5. Financial (e.g. activism) and non-financial (e.g. CSR and sustainability) risks 6. Uncertain event risk mapping framework(s) related to case organisation 7. Board risk awareness impacts on conformance and performance 8. Recommendations 9. Conclusions