Signature Assignment: God’s Story Research Paper Overview Assignment Overview In this course, we are learning that the stories in Exodus and Deuteronomy are an integral part of the grand story of Christian Scripture. In many ways, God’s action in and through Moses and the Israelites are a microcosm of the overarching themes of creation, fall, and redemption that find meaning and movement throughout the entirety of the Bible. Exodus and Deuteronomy are of particular importance because it is here that God initiates his plan of redemption among the Israelites. In order to better understand the meaning and implications of God’s redemptive work in the Old Testament, you will choose a person or concept that is highlighted in the course for further research and analysis. The topic choices for research and analysis are Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf. Note that each of these topics has a corresponding article posted in the course from Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch. The Signature Assignment affords you an extended time to explore Exodus/Deuteronomy in light of the following four questions: How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf) connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible? What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this person or concept? What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person within Exodus/Deuteronomy? What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today? Assignment Requirements Review the Signature Assignment: God’s Story Research Paper Instructions [DOWNLOAD] for full instructions.Your research, analysis, and response to these questions will take the form of a research paper, and the project will be completed in three stages: Part 1: Project Plan Part 2: First Draft Part 3: Final Paper God’s Story Research PaperBIBL100SignatureAssignmentInstructionsOverviewIn this course, we are learning that the stories in Exodus and Deuteronomy are an integral partof the grand story of Christian Scripture. In many ways, God’s action in and through Moses andthe Israelites are a microcosm of the overarching themes of creation, fall, and redemption thatfind meaning and movement throughout the entirety of the Bible. Exodus and Deuteronomy areof particular importance because it is here that God initiates his plan of redemption among theIsraelites. In order to better understand the meaning and implications of God’s redemptive workin the Old Testament, you will choose a person or concept that is highlighted in the course forfurther research and analysis. The topic choices for research and analysis are Moses, Miriam,Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf. Note that each of these topics has acorresponding article posted in the course from Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch.The signature assignment affords you an extended time to explore Exodus/Deuteronomy in lightof the following four questions:1.How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf)connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarchingstory of the Bible?2.What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding thisperson or concept?3.What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person withinExodus/Deuteronomy?4.What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today?Your research, analysis, and response to these questions will take the form of a research paper,and the project will be completed in three stages:●Part 1: Project Plan - Topic, Thesis, Resources, and Outline.●Part 2: First Draft - Introduction, plus body paragraphs addressing Questions 1, 2, and3.●Part 3: Final Paper - Revisions of first draft, plus body paragraphs addressing Question4, and a conclusion.Part 1: Project PlanPart 1: Submit a Project Plan, to include the following:●Topic - choose one: Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf.●Thesis - what is the central message/argument of the paper? See the APU WritingCenter resource Thesis Statements for help.●Outline - organize the outline to address the following four assignment questions.Include two or more subpoints and supporting quotations for each main idea.1.Main Idea #1: How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, orthe Golden Calf) connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemptionwithin the overarching story of the Bible?a.Subpoint #1i.Supporting quotationb.Subpoint #2i.Supporting quotation2.Main Idea #2: What is important to know about the history, culture, and/ortheology surrounding this person or concept?a.Subpoint #1i.Supporting quotationb.Subpoint #2i.Supporting quotation3.Main Idea #3: What was the original meaning of this concept or significance ofthis person within Exodus/Deuteronomy?a.Subpoint #1i.Supporting quotationb.Subpoint #2i.Supporting quotation4.Main Idea #4: What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today?a.Subpoint #1i.Supporting quotationb.Subpoint #2i.Supporting quotation●Resources - include an APA-formatted References list with at least the followingsources:○The Drama of Scripture;○the accompanying topic article found in the course from Dictionary of the OldTestament: Pentateuch (i.e. the article about Moses, Miriam, Covenant, theDecalogue, or the Golden Calf;○two additional sources from the APU Library; see the APU Writing Center’sResearch Tips and Resources for suggestions about finding good resources.NOTE: While you will likely reference the Bible, it does not count toward one of your fourrequired sources. Also, in APA style, classical works - including the Bible - are not listed in the References page. Embed biblical citations within the text as follows: “Then Mosesturned and went down the mountain, carrying the two tablets of the covenant in hishands” (Exod 32:15, NRSV). Only indicate the Bible version in the first citation; it is notnecessary to identify each citation as NRSV.Assignment Expectations●Submit the assignment in Times New Roman 12 point font.●The Project Plan is 2 pages in length.●Outline identifies the introduction/thesis statement, at least four main ideas, and3-4 subpoints beneath each main idea.●List references in APA format.Part 2: First DraftPart 2: Submit a first draft, to include the following:Introduction with thesis statement. See the APU Writing Center resources ThesisStatements and Introductions and Conclusions for help.Body paragraphs that address the following three (out of four) assignment questions:1.How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the GoldenCalf) connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within theoverarching story of the Bible?2.What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surroundingthis person or concept?3.What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this personwithin Exodus/Deuteronomy?Body paragraphs embed research and analysis from scholarly sources and containin-text citations.References page, formatted in APA style, minimally includes:●The Drama of Scripture;●the accompanying topic article found in the course from Dictionary of the OldTestament: Pentateuch;●two additional sources from the APU Library.●NOTE: In APA style, classical works - including the Bible - are not listed in theReferences page. Embed biblical citations within the text as follows: “ThenMoses turned and went down the mountain, carrying the two tablets of thecovenant in his hands” (Exod 32:15, NRSV). Only indicate the Bible version inthe first citation; it is not necessary to identify each citation as NRSV.Assignment Expectations●Written in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced.●Approx. 1,000 to 1,200 words in length, plus a References page.●Paper includes an introduction and thesis statement, addresses the first three (offour) assignment questions, and engages with the required scholarly sources.●Lists references in APA format.●Contains minimal grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Part 3: Final PaperPart 3: Submit a final paper, to include the following:Revisions as indicated by the professor.Introduction with thesis statement. See the APU Writing Center resources ThesisStatements and Introductions and Conclusions for help.Body paragraphs that address all four assignment questions:1.How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the GoldenCalf) connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within theoverarching story of the Bible?2.What is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surroundingthis person or concept?3.What was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this personwithin Exodus/Deuteronomy?4.What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today?Body paragraphs embed research and analysis from scholarly sources and containin-text citations.References page, formatted in APA style, minimally includes:●The Drama of Scripture;●the accompanying topic article found in the course from Dictionary of the OldTestament: Pentateuch;●two additional sources from the APU Library.●NOTE: In APA style, classical works - including the Bible - are not listed in theReferences page. Embed biblical citations within the text as follows: “ThenMoses turned and went down the mountain, carrying the two tablets of thecovenant in his hands” (Exod 32:15, NRSV). Only indicate the Bible version inthe first citation; it is not necessary to identify each citation as NRSV.Assignment Expectations●Written in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced.●Approx. 1,500 words in length, plus a References page.●Paper includes an introduction and thesis statement, addresses all fourassignment questions, engages with the required scholarly sources, and includesa conclusion. See the APU Writing Center resource Introductions andConclusions for help.●Incorporates improvements based on instructor feedback from Part 2.●Lists references in APA format.●Contains minimal grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.Review the Grading Rubric for further details as to how your project ultimately will be scored. Signature Assignment Part 1 completed by Jamal: Project Plan Topic: Covenant 1. Introduction 1. Definition of Covenant 2. Significance of the Study 3. Definition of Terms 2. Body 1. What is a Covenant and why? How does the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf)connect to the larger themes of creation, fall, and redemption within the overarching story of the Bible? 2. Old Covenant, what is important to know about the history, culture, and/or theology surrounding this person or concept? 3. New Covenant what was the original meaning of this concept or significance of this person withinExodus/Deuteronomy?4.What insights gained could be meaningful for our context today? 3. Conclusion 1. Conclusion 2. Recommendations