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· Write a 3 page profile of one of Canada’s provinces, territories, districts, or cities
· Organize the information under these Headings: The Land, The People, The Economy, The Lifestyle
· Be sure to have a References page, as well as a cover page with your name in full, student number, course name, and section and TOPIC.
· Include information about natural resources and how they relate to the economy, what people do for a living there, who the people are (demographics), what the advantages are to live there, what recreation/holiday opportunities exist or what famous or interesting places are found there.
· Conclude with your views on the strengths of that place are, and what the future holds
· Due date = 2 weeks from posting; worth 50 marks or 20% of course mark.
· Write in paragraph form under the Headings above. Images/maps are alright provided that they do not comprise more than 15% of the content.
GNED 105 Assignment One: A Canadian Profile
Canada covers a vast area of North America, bordering both Alaska and the United States. By surface, it is only second to Russia, with a total area of 9.98 million square kilometers (Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)). Nonetheless, its population is only a fraction of Russia’s. Majority of Canadians live within 200 kilometers of the southern border, creating a meaningful trading relationship with the United States. Ontario is among the Canadian provincial territories found in the south; therefore, understanding its land, its people, its economy, and its...