Text book is: Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace 4th edition by Michelle E. Mor Barak Questions 1-5 TITLE PAGE-first page of total submission. EACH QUESTION: FORMAT OF ANSWER—COPY QUESTION- FOLLOW WITH YOUR ANSWER-****IMPORTANT ONE (1) OUTSIDE SOURCE MINIMUM FOR EACH QUESTION. DOUBLE SPACE-INSURE COMPLETE AND CONCISE ANSWERS-PROPER SPELLING & GRAMMAR, AND PAGE # OF TEXTBOOK THAT SUPPORTS THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. TITLE PAGE, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS--- NO MORE THAN “6” TOTAL PAGES (INCLUSIVE OF TITLE AND REFERENCE PAGE)! 1. One of the most significant problems facing today’s diverse workforce is exclusion. What can a first line supervisor do to create an inclusive workplace? 2. What are some of the world-wide trends that have caused the workforce to become increasingly diverse? 3. Why is country migration data generally imperfect? 4. Antidiscrimination legislation varies country by country. In the past the courts have held that the laws of the country of origin rather than the host country. What are the implications of this policy for today’s global organizations? 5. What are the problems in utilizing some general distinction categories (e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and disability) to define diversity?