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Global Branding and the Brands' Ranking

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The purpose of this assignment is to understand about global branding and the brandsranking.


1.  Go to  https://www.interbrand.com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2018/ranking/   showing the top 100 global brands.  Click on  any of the brands listed  and do the following:

a. Write the name of the brand, the ranking, the percentage increase or decrease compared to the previous year and the brand value in millions. 

b. A short description of the brand and the website address. 

c. The three top performing factors for this brand.

d. In the growth history, use the down arrow to choose another brand to compare the two brands. Briefly mention which brand is doing better. Cut and paste the graph produced in the comparison. 

e. For some brands, just above the growth history, there is a link to a Q&A with an executive of the company. Summarize the article. If there is no Q&A, ignore this task.

f. At the bottom of the page, under the title  "RELATED" you will find one or two related articles. Summarize the article(s) as well.


2.  Go to https://www.interbrand.com/services/  and choose any article related to the topics under Strategy (see image below). Write a concise, complete and coherent summary of it.


Note: Please double check your work before submission. Submission of empty files, corrupted files or wrong assignments (from other courses) are considered late until you submit the right file. The instructor usually takes three days to grade an assignment but under no circumstances it will take more than one week


Global Branding and the Brands' Ranking


Brand name: Google

Rank: 02

Percentage increase compared to last year: 10% increase in brand value translating to 155,506$m.

Description of the Brand

Google is a brand that has been in operation for a while; its strategic management approach makes the brand accessible amidst high competition in the market. The mission of the brand is to develop services that can change the lives of its users. Now and then, the company has continually grown, showing a positive growth trend regardless of economic instabilities in different parts of the world. However, this growth has not been without sacrifices and commitments. For example, one of the factors behind Google’s growth has been internal effectiveness in governance. Management of Google has effectively incorporated modern human resources management approaches, such as boosting employees' creativity and innovation, hence improving the value of the brand. The brand’s website is https://about.google/.

Three top Performing Factor of the Brand

1.      The first factor is differentiation. The brand has a strong uniqueness that makes it outstanding among its competitors. The...


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