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Generations Research Paper


Instructions: Each student will complete a Research Paper comparing and contrasting the views of sexuality between two generations. ·      Students will research two different generations in America discussing the perceptions, ideas, practices, and philosophies of sexuality held by each generation (see chart below). ·      The paper will be an APA formatted paper with a Title page, Abstract page and Reference page. ·      The paper should have at least 8 pages of content.  ·      At least 7 scholarly, academic references (Journal articles and books) must be included on the Reference page and each used in the content of the paper with in-text citations. ·      Use the required headings below to format the paper. The headings should be in APA Level 1 format. ·      Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion in the content. ·      Review the Rubric in Blackboard. Required headings: Cultural View Generationally of Sex Known Sexual Issues and Cultural Differences in Each Generation Main Generational Teaching or Non-teaching Around Sex and Sexuality  Spiritual Issues, Sins and the Response of the Church to These Generational Views of Sexuality *Remember to compare and contrast in each section.                   Which Generation are You?  Generation Name  Births  Start  Births  End  Youngest  Age Today*  Oldest Age  Today*  The Lost Generation  The Generation of 1914  1890  1915  103  128  The Interbellum Generation  1901  1913  105  117  The Greatest Generation  1910  1924  94  108  The Silent Generation  1925  1945  73  93  Baby Boomer Generation  1946  1964  54  72  Generation X (Baby Bust)  1965  1979  39  53  Xennials  1975  1985  33  43  Millennials  Generation Y, Gen Next  1980  1994  24  38  iGen / Gen Z  1995  2012  6   23  Gen Alpha  2013  2025  1  5    Reference   Robinson, Michael T. (2017, May 30) The Generations: Which generation are you?  Retrieved from https://www.careerplanner.com/Career-Articles/Generations.cfm
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