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Gender Roles In Advertising/ Women as sex objects

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Gender Roles In Advertising/ Women as sex objects


Gender Roles In Advertising/ Women as sex objects


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Advertisement is one of the major weapons that people use to communicate about their brand and gain popularity among other homogenous products. Presently, the advertisement is one of the core activity that many businesses use to attract and maintain their customer base in their market environment. I have selected this topic because in daily routine, we come across many advertisements in a wide range of environment in the areas we go. In most of the scenarios, companies use the opportunity to promote their brands as well as maintaining their business quo. In the same time, some adverts that use women pictures appear differently with others and sometimes sells a notion of inferiority and poor image among the female gender. As a result, some of the adverts portray women as sex objects more than human, therefore, diminishing human dignity and the human status. The advert tends to show a non-human character that end-up with a bad opinion. The ultimate goal of an advertisement is to attract a certain customer base with a purpose of making them use a certain brand of product. In contrary, some adverts attempt to bring a picture that lacks to show the key reason for that advertisement and in turn appear as a way of undermining women in the same process. Therefore, the key reason for this research paper is to explore the gender roles in advertising especially to women because of the stereoscopic nature of men who try to negatively influence their roles of advertising in the society. A female gender is a unique group of people that share many roles even in other areas of the society. However, people who fail to respect their presence commit an offense of violating their rights hence cultivating a bad picture that can influence the social fabric of the society.

First, advertising companies use gender to provide a real picture in attracting customers of that specific brand. It important to notice that a female gender always portray an attractive, pleasant look that makes them more sustainable for adverts that require a lot of attraction. It is evident that when advertisers are in need of building the good picture in the brand of products they aim to dispose to the female customers, pleasant appearance of attractive female pictures are used. During advertising of a certain outfit in magazines and billboards, women are set to appear young, slim and fit to the desired standard and attractive to users of that specific brand. The advert has the ability to send a message to all people on the fitness and the acceptability of the outfit worn. In that regard, the pool of customers creates an interest to test and try the outfit upon the awareness. According to Dah al et., (2009), an advertisement can be greatly responsible for eliciting views to the people in the society. In instances where an erected billboard portrays a half-naked female picture, it influences people to undermine the female gender and view them as sex objects. The opinion by the people come as a result of the conclusions that are made after viewing the image exposed in the erected billboard. In addition, some of the projected half-naked pictures...


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