Write 3–5 pages in which you describe an issue related to gender or sexual orientation, apply psychological theory, and summarize a research study related to the issue. Why do men and women approach sex and sexuality differently? Does sexual identity change over time? What are the similarities and differences between same sex couples and different sex couples? Take this opportunity to delve more deeply into a topic that strikes your interest, by applying psychological theory and research. The paper should include a brief introduction of the topic and a review of relevant theories and research. The organization of the paper should be as follows: Introduction (1–2 paragraphs). Descriptions of definitions of key terms (1–2 paragraphs). Issues faced by the group or groups (3–5 paragraphs). Review of a relevant human sexuality theory or theories related to the group using the text as a key source (3–4 paragraphs). Summary of one related study. You can choose the article provided to you or the one you found (3–5 paragraphs). Research questions. Methodology. Results. Relevance to topic. Conclusion (1–2 paragraphs). Number of Resources: Use a minimum of threescholarly resources. Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Template: Use the Gender or Sexual Orientation Research Paper Template to complete the assessment.