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Gender and Sex Distinctions in Anthropology


Write 7 pages thesis on the topic gender and sex distinctions in anthropology. These specialists apply the aspects of biological, social, humanities as well as physical sciences that present differences between males and females. The evolution of anthropology has played role in the present use of the topic, although there are shifts on traditional anthropological concepts of gender and sex.2 This paper will discuss how the distinctions between gender and sex are used by anthropologists as well as how it has been challenged. This discussion would be important in ensuring the practices based on gender and sex promotes human development rather than inflicting retrogressive impacts.Sex and gender are defined differently in anthropology, which influences the ways through which the concepts are applied in the field. Sex in anthropology is based on perceived biological and physical differences between men and women.3 These include the sex chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs, as well as other secondary characteristics, derived from the primary ones.4 On the other hand, gender involves broad dimensions and concerns the socio-cultural constructions seen, carried out, and understood from any specific society such as behaviors and traits. Normally, these constructions are based on the biological differences perceived by men and women. From these definitions, sex is applied from biological concepts while the gender focuses on social differences and is rather regarded as a social construct.5 Following this, there is a difference between the human lives described my concept of sex and would be expected in every society, whereas the gender concepts show differences in human life across different social settings involving men and women. However, the descriptions of genders have evolved over time from the traditional perception that considered gender in the scope of kinship or family relationships and in the present goes beyond to varied societies all over the world.
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