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Gang: Bastards of the Party

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Gang: Bastards of the Party


You can address these questions but you don't have to address them all. Provide evidence, quotes, facts or anecdotes that prove you watched the documentary.

· What are the different events and chapters in African American that begin to explain the emergence of these two gangs?

· What would it take to "deghettoize" New York City and the cities of this country for that matter?

· What does Cle Sloan say about using the N-word? 

· What role has the State played in our communities?  (Remember the definition of the State: the organized repression of one class by another class, aka the police, the military, the courts, the jails, etc.)

· What would it take to create communities where working class people are not killing one another on a daily basis?

· Incorporate any personal experiences you or people close to you might have with gangs. 

· How is internalized oppression part of Black history?

· What is the social context (racism, inequality, ect) that gives birth to both gangs?

· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs7l4R48W78


Gang: Bastards of the Party

The bastards of the party film are about two very notorious gangs that existed in Los Angeles; the two gangs are the Bloods and the Crips. The film is produced based on the views of the Los Angeles community. The film is like a criticism, and a denounce of the gang violence and coming up with a solution to address the issue. The start of the two gangs had each its time with the Bloods gang group formed in the response of the Crips group. Blood sought to provide protection from the Crips. The is a rivalry that rose between the two gangs after the attack of Sylvester Scott and Benson Owens. One of the main causes of the rise of gangs was the racism meted against the African Americans by the criminal social system, which had turned against the blacks. The gangs rose for vengeance. The exponential growth of power by the Crips lead to the emergence of the Blood gang group.

The availability of Ghettos the informal settlement in the cities made it hard to suppress these gang groups. One of the best ways to deal with gangs and their crime is to “deghettoize” the cities. Among the strategies that can be used to address the issue of ghettos is to have programs to construct communities for the provision of employment and housing opportunities. Also, the existing cities can be revitalized; have no more cities in the country housing 10 per cent of the total population. Lastly, we can consider the simplification and the consolidation of the existing house programs to increase the scope of their use to serve all the families without the ability to meet the market housing price.

One of the major causes of any revolt is oppression. Similarly, the rise of gans is attributed to oppression and unfair treatment of some people within the community....


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