Assessment 2: Critique the provided research articles Ferreiraª, M., Silvaᵃ, D., Piresᵃ, A., Sousaᵃ, M., Nascimentoᵃ, M. and Calheirosᵃ, N., 2016. Clinical skills and communication in nursing students. In 2nd International Conference on Health and Health Psychology. Retrieved from Module learning outcomes to be addressed: Learning Outcome 1: Discuss the different types of evidence and the importance of evidence-based interventions for safe, person centred care to maintain or restore health and well-being. Learning Outcome 3: Appraise a piece of research and reach a judgement about its quality and applicability to practice using an identified appraisal tool. Assessment 2 is the second part of the two assessments for developing your theoretical and practical understanding of evidence-based practice. You are required to critique a primary research paper (2,000 words) using the CASP tool. You will then need to apply the principles of evidence-based practice outlined in the module; to effectively critique your chosen article and consider its application to clinical practice. A range of articles will be available in the Assessment section of the Blackboard from which you will select one article to critique. Essay Structure/Guidelines 1. Introduction (200 words). An introduction generally needs to answer these 3 questions. a. What? The introduction must clearly explain what the essay is about. You should also explain in your own words a summary of the assessment brief given above. b. How? The second part of the introduction needs to outline how the essay is going to be structured. You need to summarise the details given in points 2-5 below. c. Why? The introduction needs to articulate why the topic under consideration is of significance. 2. Discussion (1600 words) a. Discuss evidence-based practice and the significance of evidence-based nursing in the current health and social care environment? b. Briefly outline the chosen research paper and provide a rationale for your choice. c. Analyse the chosen study using the CASP framework d. Discuss and justify whether or not the findings are robust enough to be used to change or support nursing practice. e. Reflect on how the findings of the paper will contribute to your professional development and nursing practice. 3. Conclusion (200 words) a. Summary. Summarise the key learning points that have emerged from your discussion above. b. Recommendations. Make recommendations on what needs to be done in light of your findings and conclusions.