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Film Review: Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump is a modern fiction film that
portrays contemporary lives of people from different communities. Eric Roth
crafted a screenplay that successfully depicted the nature of human
relationships during colonial era and the aftermaths of the political
aggression such as poor governance of the people. Forrest Gump, born in
Alabama, is the main character in the film and faces contemporary struggles
such as being bullied. He had a disability that limited from participating in
typical children games as well as made him to be ridiculed by his peers. The
film ends with commendable life achievement by the main character. The film
Forrest Gump has close relation with the course content since it highlights the
struggles, slavery, betrayal, and freedom, which may pertain to the history of
Forrest Gump sets the first scene of the film with a long narration and flashback about his life. He reflects on a time when he could not walk and had a problem practice to rune just like other kinds but every time he tried, he...