Write an article on foreign policies in the middle east Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! (Wright, Robin 212) defines the foreign policy, also referred to as foreign policy relations, as self-interest stratagems picked by a nation to safeguard its national welfares and to accomplish goals within its international association’s ambiance. The tactics are strategically engaged to interrelate with other countries. The research on such strategies is known as foreign policy analysis. Due to the excavating level of transnational activities and globalization, the nation will also require to interact with other actors so that the country can achieve its economic and social goals. The above-mentioned interaction is monitored and evaluated in efforts to maximize reimbursements of multilateral international collaboration (Wright, Robin 213).There are various ways through which countries relate. The most common agenda on establishment of foreign policies by any given country is to achieve the economic goals. Other goals include social-political development and military operations cooperation. There are so many factors that a country considers before establishing ties with another country. Some of these factors include religion, economic viability, and compatibility of ideologies among others. In this paper, religious factor will be taken into consideration to establish how it influences the level of cooperation among some nations.This research paper aims to scrutinize these policies as quantitatively as possible with the assistance of modern research.