Write an article on food activism Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! As a function of seeking to understand this particular movement and analyzing its unique attributes, the following analysis will be concentric upon discussing and analyzing the following questions: how an individual’s social location affects the experience within the food system, what the specific problems and potential solutions to the current food system are (within the slow food movement), how individuals within this particular movement attempted to make the food system fairer, and what key concepts the movement engages in and/or challenges. Therefore, it is the hope of this author that such a discussion and analysis will allow the reader to come to a more informed understanding with regards to the slow food movement and the manner through which it can potentially impact upon the efficacy, environment, and representation of cuisine.Firstly, in an attempt to answer how this particular group understands the social location and the impact that this might have with regards to an experience of the food system, a heavy criticism must be levied. Even though a great many effective and useful ideas are promoted within the slow food movement, a fundamental shortcoming that is quickly noted has to do with the fact that individual seeks to utilize this particular approach as a means of providing a nutritional benefit to themselves and/or to their families will quickly come to the realization that abiding by the constraints that the slow food movement engenders will necessarily require much more money to be spent each and every month as compared to integrating with the globalized model of food production and distribution (Walsh, 2008). The underlying rationale for this has to do with the fact that the slow food movement draws its resources from the local region and attempts to utilize those ingredients and resources that are available within the local area. .