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Fleabag as a Character Review


What is Expected? -Make sure you consider the following as you write: -Have good examples to make your work specific. -Have good assessments that make your points clear and concise. -Make sure you get to your point and don't be unnecessarily wordy. Watching season one and two of the Amazon Prime show Fleabag [for the purpose of this course, our essay will concentrate on season two, so season one should be viewed to give the entire story continuity] Overview: Phoebe Waller-Smith is the creator, writer, and main actor in the Amazon series Fleabag. She has written other series as well including Crashing for Netflix, and Killing Eve for BBC America. She is extremely creative, and she invents a new, literary technique in Fleabag where the character breaks the fourth wall, meaning that Fleabag [note: Fleabag is never named in the entire series, and is simply referred to by watchers of the series as "Fleabag"] is able to talk directly to the audience, but unlike other works that have a character noticing and interacting directly with the audience, Waller-Smith allows another character, the priest [fans of the show refer to the priest as "hot priest"] to recognize when Fleabag is breaking the fourth wall. It denotes that the priest is very in tune with Fleabag, and the indication is both as a spiritual advisor and even as a potential lover. Fleabag, as a character, seems to be a character in turmoil. She seems to want what she can't have, and has what she doesn't want. She wants independence, but she wants the stability of monogamy. She seems to crave adventure, but she also seems to appreciate the monotony of the day to day operations of her café. This tension helps the audience to focus on Fleabag, but it also seems to enable a looker-on to contemplate one's own choices when it comes to the type of life he or she may be living
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