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Final Project outline

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This assignment begins the phase of the project where you take your research information and begin to form a strategy to introduce your product into the host country.  You are designing the strategy and also discussing the other options you considered and why you rejected them.  You do not need to have the entire strategy developed at this point but, this assignment should help you winnow through the different options available.  

The Summary and Recommendation section of your paper is a comprehensive summary of the paper.  Your recommendation will be to proceed or not to proceed with the project as presented.

The next step in the project is to create the Alphanumeric Outline you will use to write your paper.  You have already completed the Country, Company, Product or Service, and SWOT Analysis sections.  For the outline you will need to add a Strategy and Analysis section, and a Summary and Recommendation section.

At this time is is only required that you have a general idea of your strategy based on the readings.  Manufacturing, logistics, distribution, facilities locations and acquisitions should be considered.  As part of your strategy you should also address cultural influences, political influences and risks, currency risk, staffing, partnerships, etc. as applicable to your project.

Only Alphanumeric outlines will be accepted.  See the Purdue Writing Lab website (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/developing_an_outline/types_of_outlines.html (Links to an external site.))


Final Project outline

1.      Strategy and Analysis section

A)    the chosen strategy: create a sharable content

       I.            The strategy will be used to introduce fast-moving consumable goods such as groceries in Sound Arabia.

    II.            It employs advanced information technology to create content that is shared with the potential audience through social media.

 III.            The content would be reliable to potential audiences and disseminated through social media such as Facebook telegram and telegram, and YouTube. 

 IV.            The firm would invest time to create a high-quality blog that communicates about the business and related topics to cultivate customer interest to purchase from it.

    V.            The primary goal of establishing this strategy is to get consumers themselves into sharing the content to bring traffic to the company website.


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