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Final assignmentArticle Review-Workforce Management and Global HRM

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Review and present 3 recent journal articles (within 2 years) dealing with Human Resources and Talent Management.  This can cover any topic from our past 8 weeks in this course; if you are unsure if your topic is appropriate, please don't hesitate to ask.

·                     What are the key points of the article?

·                     How does this relate to the theories and frameworks that you have learned in this course?  (Be sure to cite materials to support your discussion)

·                     Provide a personal critique – what do you think about what the authors said?

·                     What can you personally take away from the article?

You should use peer-reviewed articles 

Below are the concepts we learned. A topic needs to fall into one of these categories. 

Strategic resource management and the design of work systems

Staffing, employment law and finding ideal work

workforce and career development strategies

labor relations and compensation

workforce management and global HRM

work-life career development over the lifespan



Article Review: Workforce Management and Global HRM

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Article Review: Workforce Management and Global HRM

Employees are critical to business success because they are in touch with internal and external customers. Management and business owners are tasked with establishing an integrated process that optimizes employee productivity and well-being. Their role is to equip their employees with world-class skills to serve the customers effects and promote a positive company image. This essay explores there pear reviewed journal articles on workforce management and global HRM.

In the article, International HRM insights for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic (Caligiuri et al., 2020), the emergence Covid-19 pandemic put the workforce's lives at risk. Employees are likely to contract disease since it's a respiratory virus transmitted when they close contact with an infected person. Yet employees are interacting with people from various parts of the world. Companies across the globe responded to the crisis by using advanced technology and the internet to work from home, which is safer since they do not interact with people.

Contingency theory supports the action taken by the companies' management team in response to the Covis-19 crisis. The theory argues that there is no best way to propel a business entity towards success. Still, influential leaders can respond to every in a way that the business remains focused on its objectives (Smith et al., 2019). Although, initially, most employees worked from the sights, management respondents to the pandemic, by established virtual working to keep the business running and maintain employee safety.

Based on the article's author, the availability of technology and the internet was critical for transitioning from the workplace to home. Management's willingness to embrace change during such a tough time was equally vital for the business's success. Employee cooperation contributed to the success of business transition because the change could only be implemented with success if employees and management teams worked together with synergy.

From the article, it is worth noting that business success will heavily depend on the managements' ability to embrace and sell changes to the employees. Management should maintain a good relationship with their subordinates to win their support when implementing changes in the business. A contingency plan is vital for every business since organization entities operate in a dynamic world full of frustrations.

According to Gupta et al. Preface to Research on Role of Technology in Workforce Management (2019),   every business in the market invests heavily to embrace advanced technology into their operations. However, advanced technology in human resource management is double wedged, and it can build or break a company. In addition to other benefits, technology has promoted efficiency in the human resources management department. Unlike before, with technological advancement, human resource teams can easily reach and recruit multitalented employees from any corner of the earth. Companies use web-based technologies to attract talented professionals....


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