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Film & Theater Studies; In 'How I Learned to Drive,' Paula Vogel.

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 In your answers, address the question directly and try to avoid extraneous language.


For PART 1, you can search online one question after the other and you will get an idea to write about
1. Why does Paula Vogel start How I Learned to Drive with a scene from when Li’l Bit was 17?
2. In Fences, what is Troy’s conflict with his son Cory about?
3. How is Ernest/Jack’s identity gradually revealed in The Importance of Being Earnest?
4. Carefully craft an event sentence for Act II, Scene 3 in Fences.
5. Describe two ways in which Oscar Wilde makes us laugh in The Importance of Being Earnest. Include examples.
6. How (and to what degree) does August Wilson fulfill the call made by W.E.B. DuBois for African-American drama?
7. What actions does Li’l Bit take that perpetuate the inappropriate relationship with her uncle?
8. Decide the “character complexity” and “thematic resonance” for each of the following plays
The Importance of Being Earnest
How I Learned to Drive
9. Choose one female character from a play (other than How I Learned to Drive) and briefly apply a feminist critique to her. (Meaning, you can choose any play which has a female character).





I have provided a sample for each of the 4 elements below. The scene to be analyzed is also attached.


For the scene provided, please do the following in 

1.    Scene Event Summary

2.    Plot Elements (for the scene)

3.    Discuss the genre (1-2 paragraphs)

4.    Character study. Choose a character and analyze that character’s qualities and intentions, and then make a constellation of most important characteristics.








Film & Theater Studies; In 'How I Learned to Drive,' Paula Vogel.

Part 1

Question 1

In 'How I Learned to Drive,' Paula Vogel starts with a scene of a younger Li’L Bit aged 17 to narrate how throughout out her adolescence she endured a sexually abusive relationship with her Uncle Peck.  Through this scene, she fulfills the objective of the story through addressing misogyny, victim-blaming and pedophilia, as well as the intricacies of affection and family. Using out of order chronology, Vogel details how Peck starts sexually harassing an adolescent Li’l Bit through touching her inappropriately.

Question 2

Troy's conflict with his son Cory results from a combination of persistent paternal care and rivalry. As a father, Troy wants Cory to lead a better life than he did growing up, and that makes me go tougher on him. However, he fails to communicate using kindness or love, making Cory assume that he is jealous and does not care about him. All of these lead to a strained relationship as Cory feels love is inexistent between him and his father.

Question 3

In 'Importance of Being Ernest,’ the identity of Jack becomes apparent after he finally realizes that his real name is Ernest, and comprehends its prominence and meaning. At the end of the play, he acknowledges the significance of learning the true self, resulting in the acquisition of status and family that he lacked previously; subsequently, he ends up marrying his cousin Gwendolyn. Despite understanding his individuality, Jack discovers the importance of being earnest as it entails showing sincerity and intense conviction.

Question 4



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