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Film Review Gattaca (1997)
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Gattaca is an American science fiction film that was released in 1997; it was directed and written by Andrew Niccol. The movie has many common themes such as perfection, determination, and potential. The theme of potential is the most dominant; for example, parents conceive by the aid of genetic selection so that to give birth to a child with ‘potential’ (De Vitto & Niccol, 1997). The theme of perfection is highlighted by the refusal of the society to accept ‘invalids' as they are presumed to be ‘inconsistent' and ‘incompetent.' Besides, the movie underlines the theme of determination by revealing that people exceed their potential when Vincent Freeman defeats his brother who had undergone genetic modification in a swimming competition.
Andrew Niccol did write a compelling storyline of the movie. De Vitto and Niccol (1997) reveals that the plot of the movie is only about an ‘invalid’ who assumes the identity of a ‘valid’ so that to pursue a space mission. Having been conceived traditionally, Vincent Freeman is categorized in his society as less suitable and therefore is given a cleaning job at the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation. He assumes the identity of a ‘valid' Jerome Morrow so that to move ahead in the society where he learns how to deceive urine sample and DNA testing. However, his secret is comprised before he travels to space hence attracting a police investigation.
The cast in Gattaca plays the different assigned starring roles as small roles are played as well as the bigger ones where the performances of the various actors are convincing and believable. The part of the main character is played by Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) who is an ‘invalid' (De Vitto & Niccol, 1997). After being conceived traditionally, the parents use genetic engineering to give birth to their next child, Anton Freeman (Lorene Dean). The determination of Vincent Freeman makes to viewers respond emotionally as he depicts the length he is willing to go so that to achieve his lifelong dream. He finally pursues his ambitions by assuming the identity of a valid former athlete Jerome Morrow (Jude Law).
The script of Gattaca was written by Andrew Niccol who ensures that the dialogues in the movie seem real hence detailing the plot. The script brings out the themes fully thereby helping the plot. The script describes the life and challenges that face the main character as he tries to join the...