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Fence on Our Southern Border and Illegal Aliens.

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Fence on Our Southern Border and Illegal Aliens.


Fence on Our Southern Border and Illegal Aliens.


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Yes, the United States should build a wall on our southern border. Owing to the increasing concern for issues such as; drug trafficking, illegal immigrants and breaches of border security, The U.S should erect a 2,000-mile border spanning to Texas from California. The issue has recently gained traction from various players amidst lawmakers. In the fence act signed by George Bush in 2006, appropriated that the fence should have well-expanded checkpoints, a technological system to monitor the boundary and barrier for vehicles. (Krikorian, 2011)

As it has been noted in wars brought about by immigration, fencing the states will be a paramount component is ensuring our border security. When the appropriate technology, agents to respond to the crossing and enacting appropriate migration policies accompany this fence, security enforcement will be guaranteed. This move will call for sufficient funding to facilitate; improvement, maintenance, and expansion of the fence.

A large number of the United States habitats supports the physical fence with a believe it will serve as a significant impediment for migrants of Mexico to The United States. On the other hand, the detractors support their view with a prohibitive cost of construction, harm to the environment and hindrance of the terrain around the U.S border. A better fence than Normandy barrier; that only prevent trucks from passing through should be developed to ensure people cannot close through.

According to Krikorian (2011), a double fence that has a patrol road will be effective in curbing even the most dangerous illegal immigrants. He further argues that physical installation of the fence will not be sufficient in accomplishing the desired outcome. However, with an advanced combination of other tools and technology. Forward bases of operation and hidden surveillances and sensors, for example, will contribute largely to this objective.



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