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Felon Rights Discussion


Answer the following questions and prompts in your own words, using the research you found to support your answers (including proper citations). 1. What are the most common fallacies people use when engaging in your debate topic? Give several (3+) that you either found or would expect to find related to your topic. Explain each fallacy in your own words and its typical use in this case. 2. What are some of the most common emotive words or phrases you found associated with your debate topic? Give several (3+) examples on both sides of your debate. Explain in your own words why these emotive words distract from the more substantial arguments of your debate topic. 3. What do you think are the 2 most compelling arguments on the pro side of your issue? Explain your reasoning. Is there a good rebuttal to these arguments? If so, explain what it would be. If not, explain why not. 4. What do you think are the 2 most compelling arguments on the con side of your issue? Explain your reasoning. Is there a good rebuttal to these arguments? If so, explain what it would be. If not, explain why not. 5. Identify 3 inductive arguments you used somewhere in your debate and explain what kind of inductive arguments they are and what identifes them as such. (You don't need to repeat the whole argument, just reference it or label it in some identifable way.) 6. Identify 3 deductive arguments you used somewhere in your debate and explain what kind of inductive arguments they are and what identifes them as such. (You don't need to repeat the whole argument, just reference it or label it in some identifable way.) 7. Overall, which side of the argument do you think is most convincing? Explain your reasoning.
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