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Federal Emergency Management


InstructionsThis assignment involves the evolution of Federal Emergency Management from the formation of FEMA through the lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy. For this assignment, compose an essay in which you do the following:Discuss the formation of FEMA, then describe how the position of FEMA changed following the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006.Discuss the intended and unintended outcomes that emerged following FEMA’s incorporation into DHS.Describe how Hurricane Katrina swung the pendulum back towards natural disasters from a focus on terrorism following 9/11.Describe the subsequent lessons learned and improvements made by the Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act of 2006 and how they affected emergency response and recovery in Hurricane Sandy.Discuss the changes in the process for presidential disaster declarations due to the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina.Describe how FEMA works with local and state emergency management services and community stakeholders.Identify improvements instituted by the Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act of 2006 and how they affected emergency response and recovery in Hurricane Sandy.Your essay should be four pages in length, not counting title page and reference page, and you must incorporate three sources into your assignment. Any information from those sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.
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