I would like to hire someone who can help me my dissertation for chapter 1 and chapter 2. Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Literature critics. I want to have minimum of 30 pages with 32 references. 30 pages not include reference page nor front page. Title: Factors Affecting Gender Inequalities in Medical Profession Main question ▪︎Why there is a gender gap in the proportion of female physicians in the world? ▪︎What is the factor associated with the proportion of female physician in the world? Solution This study aimed to reveal the social factors of countries associated with the percentage of female physicians. (We extracted the proportion of female physicians in XX countries (For example, countries categorized by OECD/EU/EEA/High income countries and World bank). social factors selects one of Global Gender Gap Index, Gender equality index, Gender Development index, Gender Inequality index, and Human Development index.) Outline 1) Gender Inequality> what disparities are considered?> Job title, salary (annual income / hourly wage), job opportunities, part-time or fulltime, gender ratio, discrimination due to social prejudice (moral harassment / sexual harassment) (1) in this survey, gender inequality in Medical profession is discussed. (2) I would like to investigate social factors affecting Gender inequality in Medical profession by international comparison, so the proportion of men and women is appropriate. While citing the literature, the following is discussed as Gender inequality, but this time I will give an excuse not to think about the following Gender inequality aspect. 1. although it is meaningful to investigate the proportion of female doctors in managerial positions, such as professors, Dean of departments, there is no data that summarizes the proportion of female professors in University Medical Schools. The index includes the Proportion of female politicians, CEOs. 2 part-time or full-time > 1) the definition of the job form of "Full-time Doctor, part-time doctor, practitioner "is different.2) depending on the country, whether working as a fulltime doctor, part-time doctor, or practitioner affects income, social status, and career 3) whether you are not employed as a full-time doctor, or if you wish to work part-time (some female doctors work part-time because their husbands are high-income, even if you wish, you can not work full-time because you are a woman there's a country.) 3 salary > it is the same as the discussion in full-time/part-time doctors, it is difficult to simply compare annual income and hourly wage. Therefore, the difference between the average annual income of physicians/general average annual income is included in the factor. 4 job opportunities>there is no data that can be compared internationally. 5 discrimination based on social prejudice (moral harassment and sexual harassment) > there is no data that can be compared internationally. 2) Medical Profession> Classically, a physician is defined as a professional who possesses special knowledge and skills derived from rigorous education, training, and experience WHO: Includes generalists , specialist medical practitioners and medical doctors not further defined, in the given national and/or subnational area. Depending on the nature of the original data source may include practicing (active) physicians only or all registered physicians. The ISCO -08 codes included here are 221,2211,2212
The WHO framework for classifying health workers draws on the latest revisions of international classifications , including the International Standard Classification of Occupations ( revision 2008), the International Standard Classification of Education (revision 2011) and the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (revision 4). In the ISCO quote, Medical doctors are divided into Generalist and Specialist, which are defined as follows, but this time we will discuss the total number of medical doctors. Generalist / Specialist the difference in the proportion of men and women may further reveal the characteristics of the gender gap between men and women in terms of employment, career advancement, and educational opportunities. Background The issue of gender segregation in medical profession is receiving increasing international attention. According to mill, women are as capable as men, and the emancipation of women is a major "improvement" to society. "Progress". If the role of a physician is to "benefit of the sick", the advancement of female doctors into the medical field will bring further improvements and advances to modern medicine. Actually: In recent years, there have been results that female doctors have improved the patient's prognosis, survival rate, and patient-physician communication satisfaction. Female doctors also tend to perform safe treatment according to guidelines and Evidence-base, the study found. On the other hand, the percentage of doctors in Asia tends to be low, especially in my home country, Japan. > What are the arguments being made? >Tokyo Medical University of entrance examination fraud scandal, Showa University[4],Kobe University[5], Iwate Medical University, Kanazawa Medical University, Fukuoka University[6], Juntendo University, Kitasato University[7][8], Nihon University[9], St. Marianna Medical University[10]from the examination of female candidates in the University of the Holy Marianna Medical University [10] total. It was discovered that the points were being unfairly drawn on the grounds that it would be a merit. The incident was a case of gender discrimination in the medical community in Japan, and was criticized by prominent medical journals and news media in various countries. In contrast, the proportion of female doctors in eastern Europe who have enrolled in University Medical School for 6 years is high. > What kind of discussions are being held? > What are the factors that make the difference in the proportion of doctors between men and women between international? In the past papers, there have been differences in the social status of doctors (higher rates of male doctors and higher rates of female doctors in lower countries), biological stories (the male brain is a science story), deliberate factors (because of the male-dominated society, entrance examination scores were omitted, glass ceiling), educational disparities, and religion. In this study, the average annual income/General average annual income of doctors is used as a factor as an indicator of the international difference in the social status of doctors. The biological story is that there is a unified examination among junior high school students and high school students, and we can compare it, but I will not include it in this survey. Religion is also included in the factor, and it is examined whether there is a correlation between religion and the ratio of men and women of doctors. The story of religion is that there is a disparity between self-perception and reality ("do you think you are an avid Protestant?").If you take a questionnaire that asks, "Do you want to go to church?", you choose "yes", but you do not go to church except for Christmas and Easter. It is estimated that the population of Japanese people who believe in Shinto and Buddhism is about 2 percent, but the definition of what it means to believe in Shinto is a delicate point.) What did you do in this study?>This study aimed to reveal the social factors of countries associated with the percentage of female physicians. (We extracted the proportion of female physicians in XX countries (OECD / EU / EEA / High income countries and World bank). social factors selects one of Global Gender Gap Index, Gender equality index, Gender Development index, Gender Inequality index, and Human Development index.)