Write an article on Role of Media and Technology in Facilitating New Religious Movements. It needs to be at least 2500 words. The widening spread of media and internet technology, the constantly growing numbers of users who are shaped by this digital culture tend to expect mobile accessibility to almost everything.2 This document presents the various roles media and technology have played and are playing in facilitating the development of new religious movements. In this light, it explains the usage of some key concepts used or referred to most frequently in the paper. To attain the stipulated objective, a set of research questions would be handy to achieve that end. Under such, some research questions that acted as a guide in the paper are also presented.In the present paper, religion would be viewed as a phenomenal institution that exists within a particular social, cultural setting and so it is a product of a particular culture and human community.3 Under such, religion would be viewed in relation to other social institutions, social beliefs and practices. The term ideology would be used as a body of doctrines or a set of thought that acts as a guide to an individual, a social or religious movement or a religious institution.4 The term Media and mass media would be used to encompass all forms of communication communicated to a large group of people both formal and informal, right from a handmade sign to an international news network.5 Globalization is used as Urban in his famous book to refer to the process of social interaction and integration among people from different nation worldwide aided by modern information technologies such as internet and another medium of communication inclusive of social networks.6The contemporary society is right in the middle of the powerful forces of media and communication revolution. Within a short span of time since the innovation of the internet and social media, a lot of revolution has since taken shape in human social, political and religious life. Notably social media can be said to be within its infancy stage yet it has made quite dramatic strides.