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Examining Poverty


Examining Poverty For the first part of this assignment go to The Institute for Research on Poverty website. http://www.irp.wisc.edu/index.htm (Links to an external site.). 2. Click on "How is Poverty Measured in the United States?" (near the bottom of the page).  Answer the following questions: How poverty is measured? Explain as thoroughly as possible. Given the definition of poverty, how would being below the poverty level affect someone’s life? For the second part of the assignment you will examine poverty in a particular county. Choose a county in the US that you are very familiar with to study. To obtain poverty statistics, go to the U.S. Census Bureau's website: https://data.census.gov/cedsci/ (Links to an external site.).  IN the search box enter the county you chose, the state, and poverty (Example: Seminole county Florida poverty). Several tables will pop up.  Record what the poverty level is in your county. Record three more findings from the chart that explain further the poverty situation in the county. Were you surprised by your findings (that is did you expect the poverty level to be higher or lower?) What factors in your area do you think contribute to the amount of poverty in the county you chose? In your opinion what could be done in your county to lower the number of people living in poverty?   Notes:  Your essay (not including references) should be 400-500 words.  Proofread for grammatical and spelling errors prior to submitting.  Ensure that you are submitting your own original work and are not plagiarizing material.  List references used (any format is acceptable).
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