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Exam 3: Analysis of Film “Israel Settlement Expanded”

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Exam 3: Analysis of Film “Israel Settlement Expanded”


Exam 3: Analysis of Film “Israel Settlement Expanded”

From the YouTube Video, "Israeli Settlements Explained" (10 points)

Question 1.

According to the video, "Israeli Settlements Explained" settlements are illegitimate Jewish-only civilian communities built by Israel for its people within the West Bank on land it occupied following the Six-Day War victory.

Western democracies and other countries regard Israeli settlements as unlawful as they violate transnational declarations and breach Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

A survey by Jerusalem Institute of Policy Research estimated that by the end of 2017, at least 620,000 Israeli citizens live within the West Bank in an area that extends to over 347,000 acres.

Many people reside in the settlements because of the 2005 expulsion of 8,500 Israelis settlers from the Gaza Strip by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon which increased the passion to occupy more land in the West Bank.

The Israeli government entices its people to settle in the West Bank by providing infrastructure, funding, and security.

Question 2.

In the West Bank, a dual legal system subject Jewish settlers to Israeli laws, whereas Palestinians abide by an amalgamation of local rules and regulations derived from Jordanian and Israeli military laws. Therefore, settlers and Palestinians experience distinct and unequal legal systems.

The Israeli civil and criminal laws provide settler communities with all their rights; however, the Palestinian neighbors experience the Israeli military rule. For example, the law demands that settlers get legal counsel immediately, but Palestinians can wait for up to 3 months.


From the YouTube Videos Listed on the Syllabus (40 points)

Question 1.

The cold war between Iran and Saudi Arabia result from the struggle to exert regional dominance. Religious differences exacerbate the decades-old feud as they each follow the two predominant branches of Islam – Saudi Arabia is predominantly Sunni Muslim. At the same time, Iran portrays itself as the dominant Shia Muslim power.

Historically, the Saudis revered themselves as leaders of the Muslim world; however, in 1979, the Iranian Islamic revolution challenged the status quo by establishing a new type of state in the Middle East, hence creating the grudge. The rivalry between the Iranians and Saudis has affected peace in the region through engaging in indirect war using proxies and non-state actors; for instance, Iran backs Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Question 2.

The video "Syria's War: Who is fighting and why" explains that Syria is experiencing a complex multi-layered war because of the divisions within opposition fighters, resulting in Assad reclaiming some lost ground. Gradually new groups have emerged, therefore creating complications between the Syrian government and opposition factions. For instance, jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and the Kurds have formed militia groups, joined the contest, and fought against Assad-backed troops, opposition paramilitaries, and each other.

The fall of the ISIS in Syria may result in the...


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