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Evaluation Plan for Measuring Learning Impact

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For this assignment you will be creating an evaluation plan for measuring the learning impact on organizational performance of the Learning Project Plan you developed in Module 4. The method you use in your evaluation plan is your choice. You can use the Kirkpatricks Model, the Phillips ROI Model, a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), or any other credible model or method that best aligns with your previous assignments and/or your selected business or organization.

Within your evaluation plan you will need to:

1.    Identify and describe the methodology or model that will be used; support your choice with research.

2.    Describe in detail how you will measure the impact of your specific Learning Project Plan.

3.    Include surveys, analysis templates, data collection tools, etc. that will be used in your evaluation plan.

This is from the module 4 "The main initiative is to teach the employees how to implement the new technology. The main purpose for implementing new technology for Optum Healthcare is to enhance accuracy when handling information. Artificial intelligence technology would increase efficiency since they use fast algorithms in processing and analyzing large amounts of information".

This is for Optum Healthcare



Evaluation Plan for Measuring Learning Impact

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Optum Healthcare New Technology Evaluation Plan

In most cases, new technology fails, although when it turns to be successful, the benefits are many. The challenge with new technology is to determine how efficient the new technology is so as to simultaneously avoid pitfalls and obtain the desired results of the anticipated change. There are so many companies that can affect a change in technology in the business, but the equation may remain on identify the best one to deliver the assigned mandate.  Also, to carry out a proper new technology evaluation, basic and other specific skills are needed to have the best results. There are various models that can be used in an evaluation plan. The evaluation models that can be used include Cost-Benefit Analysis, Kirkpatrick’s model, and Kaufman’s model, among others. The adoption of new...


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