Evaluating Sources. Use articles for evaluation below for this assignment One of the most important aspects of critical thinking is being able to evaluate a source to decide if you should trust the information. Previously we worked on rhetorical analysis skills. The criteria we will use for this lesson includes the elements of ethos, pathos, and logos, but it takes it a step further to evaluate for academic purposes. For this assignment you will look at the readings in the folder in this module. Yes, there are 4 of them. ( I have attached the 4 articles for evaluation). For most of the assignments in this course, I recommend close reading- that is why I have so many questions in Perusall :). For this assignment, you will be able to scan the articles to answer the questions in order to determine if the source is trustworthy. There are some curve balls in the article that only a couple of students notice, but I will let you find them and tell you later in the forum. So, download the form, and fill in the boxes to answer the questions for all four articles in the CRAAP test. ( I attached the form saved as "Evaluating an Article from a Website").