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Evaluating Research Resources


Assignment Purpose:-To evaluate nutritional science for quality and reliability. -To search & determine quality, reliable websites & references for nutrition information Resourcing1. How do you determine that the information (science, health or trend related) is reliable (from print and online sources)? Discuss the criteria that you would look for to determine if the resource and research is reliable.  a. What questions should you be asking when looking at the source of the information (both print and online)? (This is not a personal opinion question…please find resources to help you answer it and list them in your response) b. http://library.stkate.edu/articles Create and search a question online and find a research article related to your question. Include the source, authors, date and title of the research. 2. Based on the above criteria, how would you evaluate the validity of the research article that you found in your online search? Is it a sound study? Why or why not? Be specific. If it is not a sound study, how could you improve it to make it more valid? 3. List what type of study you found. See Figure 1.6 and Figure 1.7 in your textbook Chapter 1. 4. Now create a different nutrition related research question and design of your own. What type of study would this be? Define. 5. List the URL’s of FIVE websites that you can find scientific research journal articles related to nutrition. These should be sites that contain the actual published research articles. List the research articles you found and why they are valid sources. Hint: you will want to look at professional medical associations, nutrition professional associations, and government sites. See: pubmed, Gale health and wellness, national instituts of health (NIH), ScienceDirect, EBSCO 6. Now find FIVE consumer –focused websites that contain reliable and comprehensive nutrition information. These websites should be more consumer friendly (the ones you would find in more popular media), but still have reliable information. This is an example of a reliable consumer-friendly website: Experience Life. Find examples that are similar. Complete the following information about EACH of them: a. What is the URL (for the homepage)? b. What makes this a reliable website from a consumer perspective? c. Who are the authors?
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